Which rights to citizens of the United States have that the Burmese people do not?a. Freedom of speech
b. Freedom of association
c. The right to vote
d. All of the above


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "d. All of the above." The rights to citizens of the United States have that the Burmese people do not includes Freedom of speech, Freedom of association, The right to vote.
Answer 2



The answer to all three questions is  

1. The current head of the National league for democracy

2. A military dictatorship

3. All of the above.

I got this 100% correct.

Related Questions

ASAP 30 POINTS What do you think makes a speech boring? Explain your answer.
All of the following are Command Staff positions, EXCEPT FOR:a. Liaison Officer. b. HazMat Officer. c. Safety Officer. d. Public Information Officer.
The outcome of the supreme court case:A. plessy v. ferguson was that separate but equal facilities did not violate the COnstitutiton B. plessy v. ferguson was that separate but equal facilities were violations of the constitution C. brown v. board of education was that former slaves had a right to petition to court system. D. brown v. board of education was that former slaves had no right to petition to court system.
What must be demonstrated for the election of government officials to be perceived as legitimate?
Darwinism is a term often used when referring to A. evolution. B. socialism. C. liberalism. D. imperialism.

What is the name of the book that Governor William Bradford wrote telling of the troubles and experiences of the pilgrims?


Bradford's History "Plymouth Plantation"

Lines on a weather map that connect areas of equal air pressure area. isobars
c. barometric lines
b. contour lines
d. pressure bars

A barometer is used to measure
a. wind speed
c. air pressure
b. wind direction
d. precipitation location


Lines on a weather map that connect areas of equal air pressure are isobars.

The distribution of isobars go hand in hand with the magnitude and direction of winds and can be used to predict the weather.  

A barometer is used to measure air pressure.

A barometer is used in meteorology to because the pressure tendency can help forecast weather.


the answer is A. Isobars


i just took test and got it right

parking is not allowed a. within 15 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign or traffic signal. b. on any bridge or overpass or in a tunnel. c. within 20 feet of a rural mail box on a state highway between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. d. all of the above


Parking is not allowed in all of the mentioned situations (d. all of the above). This includes: a. within 15 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic signal, b. on any bridge, overpass, or in a tunnel, and c. within 20 feet of a rural mailbox on a state highway between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

a. Parking within 15 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic signal is generally not allowed. This is to ensure that the signs or signals remain visible and easily identifiable for drivers approaching the intersection.

Parking too close to these signals can obstruct the view of other drivers and create potential safety hazards.

b. Parking on any bridge, overpass, or in a tunnel is typically not allowed. These areas are often designated as no-parking zones for safety reasons, as stopping or parking in these areas can obstruct traffic flow and create a hazard for other drivers.

c. Parking within 20 feet of a rural mailbox on a state highway between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. is usually not allowed. This is to ensure that mail carriers have enough space to safely deliver mail to the mailbox without having to navigate around parked vehicles.

To learn more about mailbox, refer below:



Three functions of educational institution



Education serves several functions for society. These include (a) socialization, (b) social integration, (c) social placement, and (d) social and cultural innovation.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

Culture sometimes spreads because migrants move from one country to another, carrying their traditions and beliefs with them. This is called cultural diffusion through __________. A. war B. conquest C. technology D. migration Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The correct answer is D. Migration


Migration refers to the movement of people from one region or country to another due to factors such as better living conditions, war, work opportunities, among others. This is one method of cultural diffusion or the spread of values, ideas, customs, etc. from one culture to another because migrants continue displaying elements of their home country even in a new country including beliefs, practices, among others and these can be learned by friends, family, colleagues or other members in the home country According to this, the correct answer is migration.

Answer: D


Mitigation strategy for natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, landslides and Cyclones. plzzzzz u dont need to type it, give a link or copy paste it must be 10 to 15 page, 10 is enough its 20 points Note: Based on your selection topic enumerate the following in your project: a. Meaning b. Causes c. Do’s and don’ts d. Prevention and mitigation measures e. Your emergency Kit f. Latest means of forecasting Disasters  Chapters with suitable headings. (supported with pictures.)  Conclusion. (Summary, Benefits/ Importance of the task).  Bibliography. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz find it from ,plz fast





Mitigation means actions taken to prevent or eliminate natural disasters or hazards like flooding, earthquake, landslides, wildfires, or dam failure to happen. Risks of life, property, social and economic activities are also part of it.


Types, Causes, and Mitigation of Landslides 1 Rotational slides are where the slide movement is mostly rotational about an axis parallel to the ground surface and transverse across the slide 2 Translational slides have landslide mass movement along a roughly planar surface with lowered rotation or backward tilting 3 These are further subdivided on the basis of the type of geologic material into debris, earth or bedrock More items.  Earthquakes can cause fires by damaging electrical power or gas lines. Tsunamis: Tsunamis are long-wavelength, long-period sea waves produced by the sudden or abrupt movement of large volumes of water. Floods: Earthquakes may cause landslips to dam rivers, which then collapse and cause floods.  A disaster interrupts the functioning of a society. Th ey have many forms from natural to human intervention induced. A disaster affects natural life adversely by killing thousands of people and other lives. It also destroys a wide range of habitat and property.

Do’s and don’ts


Move away from landslide path or downstream valleys quickly without wasting time.

Keep drains clean,

Inspect drains for - litter, leaves, plastic bags, rubble, etc.

Keep the weep holes open.

Grow more trees that can hold the soil through roots,

Identify areas of rockfall and subsidence of buildings, cracks that indicate landslides and move to safer areas. Even muddy river waters indicate landslides upstream.

Notice such signals and contact the nearest Tehsil or District Head Quarters.

Ensure that toe of the slope is not cut, remains protected, don't uproot trees unless re-vegetation is planned.

Listen for unusual sounds such as trees cracking or boulders knocking together.

Stay alert, awake, and active (3A's) during the impact or probability of impact.

Locate and go to shelters,

Try to stay with your family and companions.

Check for injured and trapped persons.

Mark the path of tracking so that you can't be lost in the middle of the forest.


Try to avoid construction and staying in vulnerable areas.

Do not panic and loose energy by crying.

Do not touch or walk over loose material and electrical wiring or pole.

Do not built houses near steep slopes and near the drainage path.

Do not drink contaminated water directly from rivers, springs, wells but rainwater if collected directly without is fine.

Do not move an injured person without rendering first aid unless the casualty is in immediate danger.

Prevention and mitigation measures

Prevention and mitigation measures are the things we do to prevent an emergency from happening and, if it does, to reduce or eliminate the impact. Potential impacts can be structural (e.g. building reinforcement, infrastructure renewal) and non-structural measures (e.g. legislation, by-laws, and codes).

Latest means of forecasting Disasters

The latest means of forecasting disasters With forecasting, the technique has improved in the field of forecasting like there are algorithms written in programming languages. That can analyze a large amount of data and Process the result and make Prediction in a short interval of time. Forecast of Natural Disasters by ISRO ISRO is working on systems to forecast the natural disasters that could be used as input by states/ disaster management agencies. ISRO is carrying out studies to facilitate the best use of the satellite derived information to develop methodologies for forecasting natural disasters.


Importance of the task

If you are pursuing or planning to pursue research, the bibliography is perhaps the most important element in a research exercise. Without a bibliography, the work is in essence useless. While this may sound extreme, it is true that research without fact-checking is worthless.


A traditional bibliography is a list of sources, while an annotated bibliography includes a brief summary to go along with each source. To reap all the advantages of an annotated bibliography, begin writing it when you start your research to help you avoid procrastination, understand your topic better, and develop your point of view.


The bibliography belongs at the end of your report. List all the entries you created in Section 1 alphabetically. Insert an indentation before each line except the first one, if an entry requires two, three, or more lines.


SABR’s original mission was to foster the study of baseball, establish an accurate historical record, and to facilitate baseball research and the dissemination of that research primarily through our publications.

Hope this helps!