D) Prediction of a categorical outcome
Prediction problems involves determining an unknown value from known variables otherwise called predictor variables. In this case the problem is to tell the likely grade outcome of a freshman having known his scores in SAT and high school grade points
What translation?
Situation: A counseling program at a large local high school seeks to help students cope with loss, divorce, or death. The program currently advertises optional group meetings open to everyone. At these meetings, students are asked to stand up in front of the group and talk about their experiences. The coordinator of the program observes that attendance is very low, and that students are reluctant to say much when asked. The coordinator asks you to investigate the situation.
It is hard to talk about loss, divorce, or death. i should know. I lost my best friend Moonstone when she was just 2 oh excuse me. moonstone was my horse iolites foal. if you are really interessted in her, you can go to pinterest and search petsworld. go down. shes the little brown foal next to Sapphire. hes my current horse.
b. Print Layout
c. Read Mode
d. Web Layout
WWW/ World Wide Web.