su infancia?
Un puesto de defensa militar.
Ernesto Sabato was born in 1911 and he died in 2011. He was a novelist, essayist, painter and physicist from Argentina. He died at the age of 99.
Through his life, he has won many awards for his accomplishments.
He had two children -- sons Mario and Jorge Federico Sabato.
He used to be married to Matilde Kusminsky Richter from the age of 1936 until the age of 1998.
1. el espejo
2. las cortinas
3. el cuadro
4. el dormitorio
5. la lampara
6. la mesita
7. el armario
8. el despertador
9. la pared
10. la cama
1. La cosa que uso para ver cómo tengo el pelo.
Answer 1: El espejo
Translation 1: The thing I use to see my hair is the mirror.
2. Cosas que uso para decorar las ventanas.
Answer 2: Las cortinas
Translation 2: The things I use to decorate the windows are the curtains.
3. Obra (Work) de arte, como un dibujo, que usas para decorar la pared.
Answer 3: El cuadro
Translation 3: Work of art, such as a drawing, that you use to decorate the wall is the picture.
4. Adónde vas para dormir.
Answer 4: El dormitorio
Translation 4: Where you are going to sleep is the bedroom.
5. Una luz.
Answer 5: La lámpara
Translation 5: A light is the lamp.
6. La mesa donde hay cosas como el despertador y un vaso de agua.
Answer 6: La mesita
Translation 6: The table where there are things like the alarm clock and a glass of water is the bedside table.
7. Donde hay mucha ropa.
Answer 7: El armario
Translation 7: Where there is a lot of clothes is the closet.
8. Un reloj que uso en la mañana.
Answer 8: El despertador
Translation 8: A clock that I use in the morning is the alarm clock.
9. Hay cuadros, relojes y carteles aquí.
Answer 9: La pared
Translation 9: There are pictures, clocks and posters here is the wall.
10. Donde duermes y está en el dormitorio.
Answer 10: La cama
Translation 10: Where you sleep and it's in the bedroom is the bed.