Sea trade was only carried out seasonally because monsoon winds were needed to power the ships.
Answer: Option B
During the classical age as well as post classical age, many trade routes were stabled and many of them were via sea. Sea route was very important for the traders of far flung counties as it helped the trade to flourish in that time.
But often the sea trade was carried occasionally as the traders recognised the pattern of the winds and they adapted their voyages to utilise the power of these winds as it used to help their ships move with much convenience.
B. Monsoon winds were needed to power the ships.
Sea trade could only be carried out seasonally because sailors across the Indian Ocean relied on the seasonal monsoon winds to carry their ships to the ports of India, Asia, and Africa.
Hope this helped!
the river nile flooded every year between june and september in a season Egyptians called akhet
The volcanic islands of Oceania are the peaks of dormant or active underwater volcanoes. Among them there are islands of the area from ten square kilometers to several thousand and they are the main type of islands of Oceania.
The most famous of the volcanic islands are the Hawaiian Islands, Easter Island, Tahiti and Samoa. Coral Islands of Oceania (Biogenic) in the oceanic shallow water usually settled entire colonies of small marine animals-corals. For centuries, with the death of corals, their skeletons are the bottom of the ocean, pressed and form a mountain breed. Over time, coral reefs and whole islands appear above the surface of the water, and if the coral deposits occurred on the contour of the vent of the underwater volcano, there are atolls-coral islands with a lagoon in the center.
The Coral Islands (atolls) in Oceania are hundreds, both single and forming whole archipelalloes. These are the Carolinskie, Mariana, Marshall Islands and Gilbert and Tuammotu islands. The largest atoll of Oceania is Quadjalane. Its area is 2.3 thousand square kilometers (including the lagoon area) and belongs to the archipelago of the Marshall Islands.
The Stanley Milgram experiment shows us that good hearted people are capable of doing harm to others if they're told so by authority figures. This applies to the events at Abu Ghraib because some of the soldiers who were involved in the prison abuse may have went along with their superiors, followed their lead, or were told explicitly to abuse the prisoners.
Ruth and Naomi set an example for other Hebrews in the next form:
- Ruth directly followed de fifth commandment: "you will honor your father and mother", with Naomi, though she actually wasn't her daughter and Naomi showed love by her neighbor with her sisters in law.
Ruth isn't Israelite, she's from Moab, where arrived Naomi with her husband and two sons, after a time Naomi's son married with Ruth, but after some time that man together his brother and his father died, by that reason Naomi wanted coming back to her land, at that moment, Ruth said her famous phrase: "Where you go, I will go, and where you live, I will live. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die, and there they will bury me", showing a real love for Naomi.