What is the main source of energy for most organisms??


Answer 1


The Sun is the main source of energy for most organisms


Producers such as plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use the energy from sunlight to make organic matter from carbon dioxide and water. This establishes the beginning of energy flow through almost all food webs.

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What are the two types of behavioral adaptation



The 2 types of behavioral adaptation are migration, and hibernation.


Adaptation of animal is the fitness towards its environment. If an animal can't adapt, it will perish with time. Adaptation may be genetic or acquired. But basically, adaptation is 2 types - physical adaptation, and behavioral adaptation.  

Physical adaptation includes the coloring of the body, camouflage activity of an organism. The behavioral adaptation is the respond of the organisms to their habitat. This includes hibernation, estivation, migration, etc.

Some animals are affected by the temperature difference of the environment. Therefore, they adopt some methods to survive in extreme temperatures.

The cold-blooded like amphibians hibernate during winter.  They undergo a long sleep during cold weather and become active in summer.  Similarly some animals like desert lizard active in the morning. When the temperature increase they burrow themselves under the ground. This is called estivation.

Birds migrate during the adverse season i.e. in winter. They temporarily go to a different place to spend the cold month and return during the advent of summer. This is one type of behavioral adaptation. They also migrate for better breeding ground and food.  

Some fishes also migrate for breeding and food.

All organisms have adaptations that help them survive and thrive. Some adaptations are structural. Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism like the bill on a bird or the fur on a bear. Other adaptations are behavioral. Behavioral adaptations are the things organisms do to survive. For example, bird calls and migration are behavioral adaptations.
Adaptations are the result of evolution. Evolution is a change in a species over long periods of time.
Adaptations usually occur because a gene mutates or changes by accident! Some mutations can help an animal or plant survive better than others in the species without the mutation.
For example, imagine a bird species. One day a bird is born with a beak that is longer than the beak of other birds in the species. The longer beak helps the bird catch more food. Because the bird can catch more food, it is healthier than the other birds, lives longer and breeds more. The bird passes the gene for a longer beak on to its offspring. They also live longer and have more offspring and the gene continues to be inherited generation after generation.
Eventually the longer beak can be found in all of the species. This doesn't happen overnight. It takes thousands of years for a mutation to be found in an entire species.
Over time, animals that are better adapted to their environment survive and breed. Animals that are not well adapted to an environment may not survive.
The characteristics that help a species survive in an environment are passed on to future generations. Those characteristics that don't help the species survive slowly disappear.

Which crop is responsible for the greatest dollar value


Hello to answer your question properly.

Rice is the most money in the world $186,999,999 dollars worth of rice are estimated to be sold each year

            Signed by, Virtuoso Sargedog

A farmer cut a branch from his favorite, mature fruit tree, planted it in the soil, and it grew to be a new tree. The farmer's method of growing a new plant is a type of



The correct answer is "asexual reproduction".


The missing options of this question are:

A) pollination.

B) seed production.

C) sexual reproduction.

D) asexual reproduction.

The correct answer is option D) "asexual reproduction".

Asexual reproduction of a tree involves the breeding of a new organism using a vegetative part as source, such as a branch, stems, roots, or leaves. Asexual reproduction results in a new organism being genetically identical to its parent, since no cross breeding takes places in this reproduction process.

It’s a type of cloning.

Name and desribe three ways to protect the world's biodiversity


Hey there! 

Three ways to protect the world's biodiversity are: 

1. Captive breeding: We capture and wait for two organisms of the same species to breed.

2. Laws: Create laws to limit the amount of organism killings.

3. Preserve Habitats: Preserve natural habitat so that animals can breed.

Thank you!  

Use the following sentence to answer the question. Temperate zone is an area where the conditions never become too hot or too cold, allowing many different kinds of organisms to thrive.

Why does a temperate zone support the greatest variety of organism?


because the environment has a broad range of survivability for many species

How does water enter and exit the leaves


Water enters and leaves the leaves through tiny little pores called stomata. The process is called transpiration.