The correct option is D
During the Han Dynasty, their kings adopted the teachings of the great philosophers of antiquity, Lao-Tse and Confucius. The government developed well, achieving territorial expansion. Education and writing were encouraged in the newly invented rice paper. A great exchange of merchandise was promoted by the Silk Road, which goes from the Pacific Ocean to Persia and India.
The burden of taxes in France fell primarily on the Third Estate.
The French Revolution was the result of the political, economic and social crisis that France faced in the late eighteenth century. This crisis marked the end of the absolutist monarchy that existed in France for centuries and the old order of privileges that constituted the Old French Regime. At that time, France was ruled by Louis XVI, and society was divided into social classes, known as states:
French society was very well defined: a group that had a number of privileges to the detriment of the rest of the country. It is important to note that the Third State was an extremely heterogeneous class, made up of distinct groups, such as the bourgeoisie and the peasantry.
In any case, French society was marked by extreme inequality, since nobility and clergy enjoyed privileges, such as the exemption of certain taxes and the right to levy taxes on their lands. For this reason, the weight of taxes falls in the third state. This social inequality was the root of the crisis faced by France in the eighteenth century.