HELP I NEED THIS!!!!1. As a news reporter, you have been asked to write a news feature about Jerusalem. Your assignment is to explain the importance of the city of Jerusalem. Your feature should:
(a) Describe the area known as Canaan, and locate the city of Jerusalem within that area.
(b) Include information about how Jerusalem became the capital of the kingdom.
(c) Explain Hebrew beliefs about Solomon's temple, and the importance of Jerusalem to the Hebrew people.
(d) Describe the interaction between the Hebrews and nearby groups (including the Philistines, Assyrians, and Babylonians) in the region in ancient times



Answer 1


Jerusalem is a big city and is the capital if Israel, its one of the oldest cities in the world. It is located in the central hill country, and is near the border of the Judean desert. It is far removed from any major trade routes. Canaan was the land in which the Hebrew people settled. To the Hebrews, Canaan was the “promised land” when “God” told Abraham, the leader of the Hebrew people, that the land would belong to the people who will descend from him. At the time when they settled, the Hebrews were not wealthy and didn’t have any power. They wrote many books about their history and anything that was related to their religion, called “Judaism.” In 2000 B.C., Canaan was located to the right, next to the Mediterranean Sea. On the map of Canaan in the Ancient Middle East, the city of Jerusalem is located to the left of the Dead Sea. In the eleventh century B.C. a powerful group of people called the Philistines came from across the Mediterranean Sea and then settled. Israelites, who were also living in Canaan, were challenged for land possession. The Israelites decided that the people should unite and live under just one ruler. The Hebrews thought that they should have a king who is just and good. Later, there was a war with the Philistines, which caused the kingdom to fall apart. A man named David helped defeat the Philistines by throwing a stone so powerfully that it killed one of the Philistines warriors. Under the command of David, the Israelites had success with getting their territory back. The Hebrew army ended up capturing the city of Jerusalem from the Philistines, and later, David made the city as capital of his kingdom. Then the Israelites decided to call it the City of David. Solomon is the son of David. He became the king when David was an old man and gave up the throne. Solomon made a temple in Jerusalem and ruled with many skills like diplomacy. Solomon’s temple became a special center for Hebrew worship. Using the temple, people offered sacrifices of animals, fruit or grain in order to honor “God.” Jerusalem was an important city because for many people, some of the religions for many different people originated there. The Hebrews didn’t enjoy when the philistines threatened Canaan. Apart from the Israelites the Hebrews thought that having a single king was a bad idea, they decided God is ruling the people. Their army of the Hebrew People helped defeat the philistines during the war with them and captured Jerusalem. Some of the Hebrews decided to try worshiping more than one "God," but that brought the Hebrew people trouble. The Hebrews were warned that they might be forced to leave their land. They ignored such warning, which led to another group of people, called the Assyrians, to appear and cause problems. The Assyrians have destroyed the kingdom of the Israelites. Other people like another king named Nebuchadnezzar, also attacked Jerusalem and caused other problems. Some people were captured and taken to a place called Babylon. Some of the Hebrews who stayed in Jerusalem tried to rebel against Nebuchadnezzar. This lead to more attacks, and later, a siege for Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar sent his people, the Babylonians after Jerusalem. The interaction between the Hebrews and Babylonians was not very friendly. Many of the Israelites ended up being slaves in Babylon and spent a long time in captivity. Overall, there was no friendly interaction between the Hebrews, Assyrians, and Babylonians, as there was nothing but fighting, war, and captivity.


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The answer is:

C. He was tried and executed.

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4. What connection does the author draw between Hopper's gender and her career?



They are at their job and trying to meet someone.


Sorry, your question is vague, so I hope that this helps. :)

Final answer:

The author connects Hopper's gender and her career by illustrating how her female identity contributed to her struggles and achievements in her professional journey, particularly in areas dominated by men. Her gender and societal factors linked to gender, such as patriarchy and poverty, shaped her experiences, challenges, and successes.


The author draws a significant connection between Hopper's gender and her career. Based on the context provided, Hopper is portrayed as a woman operating in societal structures that affected her professional trajectory. Concerning women's rights and a series of texts by renowned women, Hopper's female identity made her part of the struggle for equality, helping shape her career as she navigates through these challenges. Her career path underscores the difficulties faced by women in professions dominated by men. An example of this is the music industry, where Hopper expresses her frustration for continuously being asked to discuss the role of women in music.

Anthropologists have also linked between gender and different societal factors like patriarchy, poverty, and race, and these aspects may have also impacted Hopper's career indirectly. Moreover, Hopper's work emphasizes how language functions within gender, sexuality, and socio-economic class hierarchies. Simultaneously, she delineates the challenges of pursuing higher education and building a professional career, further highlighting the interface between her gender and career.

In conclusion, Hopper's gender plays a critical role in her professional life, shaping her experiences, struggles, and achievements. Thus, the question of gender cannot be divorced from the discussion of her career.

Learn more about Connection Between Gender and Career here: