It was George Washington. But the first president of the confederate states of america was Jefferson Davis
In South Korea are valued having your own ideas and being honest with your politics principles.
SUNSET CORP is your answer
Adam’s idea of government came from the ideas of Confucius, Zoroaster, Socrates and Mahomet combine. Adams believes that a government should be lead by people with morals and intellect. It should not just be about freedom and. He believes that by following the ideas of these sacred philosophers is the ultimate goal of happiness
Government is legitimate with the consent of the people, and the people have the right to rebel
b. He wanted to kick the French out of North America
C. Because of increased immigration and a growth in population,
d. He wanted the removal of the Native Americans
e. He wanted to assert his power in Washington,
Do to the United States popularity rising towns and cities were being over populated. So Jefferson decided to expand further into the continent.