Each sheep has their own genetic information. So if they were unrelated, each sheep would give unique genes, resulting in unique offspring.
Annual lambing, in which ewes born in the fall give birth to lambs in the spring, is the most popular method of breeding sheep. However, ewes are bred in late spring to lamb in fall, or in early fall or late summer to lamb in winter.
This produces lambs for more lucrative markets (eg, September for the Christmas lamb market).
In order to do this, programs that extend the ovulatory season into the late summer or stimulate estrus during the anovulatory season in the spring must be used of controlled intravaginal drug-releasing devices.
Producers who have flocks that lamb out of season, however, hardly ever follow an annual breeding plan since, generally speaking
Therefore, Each sheep has their own genetic information. So if they were unrelated, each sheep would give unique genes, resulting in unique offspring.
To learn more about sheep, refer to the link:
Metabolites are the different kinds of the substances which are essential to metabolism of the organism.
Metabolites produced by the plants can be categorized into the primary metabolites and the secondary metabolites.
The primary metabolites have important role in survival of plant and play an active role in the respiration and the photosynthesis.
On the other hand, the secondary metabolites are not involved in normal growth and the development of plant. Although absence of these type of metabolites can lead to impairment of survivability of plant in long run.
Secondary metabolites are produced mostly by the plants for the defense purposes. They include steroids, alkaloids, phenolics, essential oils, resins, tannins, lignins, flavonoids, etc.