table sugar: water
motor oil: gasoline
rubber from tire marks: gasoline
adhesive residue from a packing tape: gasoline
Like dissolves like so a polar compound will dissolve in a polar solvent and a non polar compound will dissolve in a non-polar solvent. The intermolecular forces of attraction are responsible for the dissolution of substances in different solvents.
For example, polar solute exhibit hydrogen bonding and dipole interaction with polar solvents (water). Non-polar solute exhibit London dispersion forces with non-polar solvents(gasoline).
Inflammation is the response to a cut. The blood vessels expand when you get cut to allow white blood cells to flock to the wound site. These attack any bacteria that got past the clot. If you mean excess bacteria, then that would be an infection.
(2) increases
(3) remains the same
Answer: option (1) decreases.
May be you have experienced that: when you go to the beach, where the atmposhpere pressure is greater than the atmosphere pressure in places that are at higher altitudes, the water takes longer to boil. That is because the boiling temperature is greater, and you need more total heat (more time) to permit the liquid to reach that temperature.
The reason why that happens is because substances boil when the vapor pressure (the pressure of the particles of vapor over the liquid) equals the atmosphere pressure. So, when the atmposhere pressure increases, the temperature at which the vapor pressure reaches the atmosphere pressure also increases, and when the atmosphere pressure decreases, the temperature at which the vapor pressure reaches the atmosphere pressure decreases.