The Code of Hammurabi was written by the king of


Answer 1


Babylonia, because it was written by King Hammurabi himself, and he ruled Babylonia.


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The answer is the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal is known to be the shortest way to cross the east towards west. Th  Suez Canal at this time was dominated by the German Empire  that was under the Ottoman Empire. This was also known as the Raid of Suez Canal 

Of the following, which is considered an uncontrollable expenditure?a)Government operations
b)National defense
d)Salaries for federal employees


The answer is letter c. Entitlements. The biggest uncontrollable expenditure in the federal budget is the Social Security system. 
The United States federal budget contains a large number of expenditures, including mandatory programs such as the Medicare and Social Security programs, military spending, and discretionary funding for Cabinet Departments. These programs such as Social Security benefit, Medicare and Medicaid are called “entitlements’. 

How did the Civil War affect the Indian Territory?a. Tribes became more cooperative.
b. Thousands of white settlers were forced to live in refugee camps.
c. There was a mass migration into the region.
d. Looting caused economic devastation.


Generally speaking, the Civil War affected the Indian Territory in that "d. Looting caused economic devastation," since the priority was being placed on protecting white troops. 




What type of person is being depicted in the cartoon shown above?. Northerner bringing donations to help freedmen. white Southerner who supported the Radical Republicans. Northerner traveling to the South to make money. former Confederate leader moving out of the South


You have forgot to attach the cartoon along with the question. I am answering the question based on my knowledge and research and hope that it helps you. Northerner traveling to the South to make money is the type of person that is being depicted in the cartoon. The correct option among all the options given in the question is the third option.


(C) Northerner traveling to the South to make money.

A cartoon is a kind of model, probably animated, typically in a non-realistic or semi-realistic fashion. The particular meaning has evolved over time, but the current usage usually leads to either: an image or series of images designed for satire, caricature, or humor; or a motion picture that relies on a series of illustrations for its animation.

The ______________ is the highest court in the land and hears few and very specific cases.a. Appellate Court
b. Federal Court
c. Judicial Court
d. Supreme Court



d. Supreme Court


The Supreme Court is the highest court in the judiciary system of the United States and hears few and very specific cases, namely, those that involve disputes over authority between local, states or the national government, inter-state conflicts, and controversies affecting Ambassadors, public Ministers, or Consuls. Furthermore, it is the court with authority to judicial review, that is to say, with the ability to review and declare the unconstitutionality of legislation passed by the legislative or of executive actions.  

The answer is D. Supreme Court

What were some important outcomes of the War of 1812?a. Britain remained hopeful it would some day retake its former colonies; Americans kept their sights on Canada for colonization.
b. The United States became more respected; Americans were proud of their country.
c. France and other European countries lost their respect for the United States; the United States gained a lot of territory west of the Rockies.
d. The United States decided to get involved in European affairs; all American ports were closed to trade


Both answers A and B would correct answers for this question.