A person who is good at caring for others might enjoy a career as a? A tour guide
B child care provider
C archeologist
D historian


Answer 1
Answer: Child care provider is the answer
Answer 2
Answer: A child care provider because they would care for children and make sure nothing happens to them.
Hoped that helped!!:))

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hints to readers that something is of significance and gets them interested
although i can see all the others happening

When a writer uses foreshadowing, it hints to readers that something is of significance and gets them interested.

Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer provides an advance hint of what is going to occur later in the story. Foreshadowing can often be found  at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader develop expectations about the upcoming events.

According to that explanation, the second option is correct.

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A personal story of a event that happened to you.

If you're writing a personal narrative essay, you might want to follow these tips:

- Stick with the main plot of your story

- Add examples and descriptions if possible

- Don't leave out your emotions

- Make it useful; give tips in conclusion

- Make sure it's in a narrative tone

Say if you wanted to write about, "The Time When My First Tooth Fell Out", and decided to stick with it, you may want to start with a scene that the reader can imagine. Or, you may want to start off in a "sophisticated" way. And by that I mean, starting off with such words like: Even though, Just because, and Forth and for most. But, I'll give you an example of a simple way to start of your introductory paragraph.

Example: It was mid-summer, July 23, 2010, and I was more than ready to enjoy my summer with my friends. Julie, my friend since we were in diapers, was having a summer bash in her backyard that day. I was ecstatic! My first summer party as a big kid! I had to get ready within an hour, fix my hair, get my bathing suit, and make sure I had sunscreen. I'm scrambling trying to get things done before we leave, clothes on the floor scattered like wild rats. I'm running faster and faster as every moment passes, then, I fall, hard enough to cause the tectonic plates to shift. My mom rushes in to see if I'm okay, and what the raucous was about. She looked at my face, and her eyes widened as if she saw a ghost. I asked her what was wrong, and she looked at me surprised. I touched my face as she still had the horrified look on hers. I remove my hand from my mouth to later see blood on my palm. I lick around my mouth to only feel a gap where my canine tooth used to be three minutes ago. My mom says, "Oh honey, you lost your first baby teeth." I wasn't so thrilled as she was, I had a summer bash to go to in twenty minutes! And I didn't want my friends to see my missing tooth and laugh at me. So, I hid in my room and told my mom I didn't want to go anymore. She told me it was nonsense and said they'd think I'm cool. I didn't believe her for a moment, but, sooner or later, I did, and decided to go regardless of my missing tooth.

That's a short little narrative you can go by and tweak if you want to use it. Or to make it more relatable to your life story, add some things.

I hope I helped :)

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Sentence for miscreant.


The way that man treated his child was miscreant.
To the miscreants in my neighborhood: Turn your music down and get a job.

Question 11. 11. Choose the sentence that contains no errors in capitalization. (Points : 3)“Can you see enough to tell,” he asked, “how far away the shore is?”
"Can you see enough to tell," He mused, "how far away the shore is?"
"Can you see enough to tell," he asked, "How far away the shore is?"
"can you see enough to tell," he asked, "how far away the shore is?"


The correct answer here is the first choice. A complete sentence must always start with a capital letter. The rest of the words can only be capitalized if those words are proper nouns. Proper nouns like a name of a person, i.e. Jenny, Romeo or Katherine, or it could also be a name of a company or a store like Walmart or Hollister. The rest of the choices (choices two to three) cannot be used since those sentences are considered as one sentence. You can only capitalize when you are starting another sentence.

Which statement is not a reason archetypes are important to understand?A. Archetypes vary from culture to culture and must be memorized.
B. Writers use them to communicate ideas subtly and efficiently.
C. Archetypes add meaning to a work and can be easily understood.
D. Most archetypes cross culture and time and convey similar meanings.


The best answer to the question that is being presented above would be letter a. The statement that is not a reason archetypes are important to understand is that archetypes vary from culture to culture and must be memorized.




An archetype can be defined as a universal symbol or a recurrent symbol, theme, setting, or emotion that is found in universal stories. An archetype is usually an original pattern from which other things are based or modeled.

The term 'archetype' was coined by Carl G. Jung, who was a Swiss psychotherapist. According to him, archetypes are the inner road map and that all individuals are guided by this road-maps. These archetypes vary from one culture to another culture. Since these archetypes vary from one culture to others they must be memorized.

So, the correct answer is option A.

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