Relationship between Altitude and Water Vapor


Answer 1


The Forgotten Water Vapor at High Altitudes. ... As it drifts through the atmosphere, the vapor absorbs heat. The warm, moist air rises, leaving the planet's surface and emitting that heat back out into the upper atmosphere.The Forgotten Water Vapor at High Altitudes. ... As it drifts through the atmosphere, the vapor absorbs heat. The warm, moist air rises, leaving the planet's surface and emitting that heat back out into the upper atmosphere.


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It starts in the mouth Enzymes break down food


Mechanical digestion is a type of digestion which is done by breaking of food materials into small pieces through physical means such as cutting and crushing by teeth and muscular contraction of stomach while the break down of food molecules by the action of enzyme such as saliva etc is chemical digestion. Chemical digestion helps in speeding up the process of digestion.


D. Enzymes break down food.


Mechanical digestion is the physical breaking down of food that starts in the mouth by chewing. Enzymes would be part of the chemical digestion.

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Discuss the distribution earthquakes and volcanoes located in relation to the continents. Are they bear the middle of continents or....? Describe.


The majority will be on the edges. This is the area of most tectonic activity such as subduction at areas of convergence. The divergent boundaries will cause more volcanic activity in the oceans due to sea floor spreading.

Final answer:

Earthquakes and volcanoes are more commonly found near the edges of continents, along tectonic plate boundaries. However, they can also occur within the interior of continents but to a lesser extent.


Earthquakes and volcanoes are not evenly distributed around the world. They tend to occur along tectonic plate boundaries, which are located near the edges of continents. The majority of earthquakes and volcanoes can be found along the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is a region of high tectonic activity that encircles the Pacific Ocean. This region includes countries like Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Chile.

In addition to plate boundaries, there are also intra-plate earthquakes and volcanoes that occur within the interior of continents. These are relatively less frequent compared to those along plate boundaries. Examples of intra-plate earthquakes include the New Madrid earthquakes in the United States and the earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent. Intra-plate volcanic activity, on the other hand, is rare but can occur in places like the Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

Overall, earthquakes and volcanoes are more commonly found near the edges of continents, along tectonic plate boundaries, but can also occur within the interior of continents to a lesser extent.

Learn more about Distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes here:


What can happen if an organism's population gets too big?



There are many bad consequences that may occur if a population becomes to large/over-sized

Here are a few examples:

~Shorter Supply of food and water. 

~Limited Shelter

~More predation 

These are only a few things that may happen.

Rarely, however, do we see a population get to big for its environment. Normally, nature seems to balance itself out. Even us, humans, have not become to many for the Earth we live on.

However, if over-population were to occur, then there are licensed hunters that may be put in charge, to take care of the situation. 

If an organisms population gets too big and exceeds the carrying capacity, a lot of consequences may happen, such as fighting for food, resources, but eventually some must die off.

If the population is over the carrying capacity, resources such as land, food, or water must be limited and organisms must fight for it in order to survive. And who wins? The ones that have a favorable characteristic. They survive while others die. When the number of organisms that die exceeds the number that is born, this is the death phase in a population. Death phase is very common if the initial population gets too big.