How many lone pairs of electrons are represented in the Lewis structure of a phosphate ion (PO43-)? 10 12 21 24


Answer 1
Answer: To illustrate the Lewis structure,
P has 5 valence electrons
O has 6 valence electrons (each for 4 oxygen)
And finally, for every negative charge, there is an additional valence electron

We should add these all up = 5 + 24 + 3 = 32 valence electrons

With this, we can be guided to illustrate the lewis structure as P as central atom and the 3 oxygen each with a single bond with P and 1 oxygen with a double bond with P. We place the valence electrons until octet rule is satisfied,
we will be left with 12 lone pairs for phosphate ion.

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An atom is determined to contain 12 protons, 10 electrons, and 12 neutrons. What are the mass number and charge of this atom or ion? Select one:
a. mass number: 24, charge: +2
b. mass number: 22, charge: neutral
c. mass number: 34, charge: -2
d. mass number: 34, charge: +2


The mass mass number is 22 and the charge of the atom is +2. The correct answer is option A

How to determine the mass number and charge?

1. The mass number of the atom can be obtained as follow:

  • Number of protons = 12
  • Number of neutrons = 12
  • Mass number =?

Mass number = number of proton + number of neutron

= 12 + 12

= 24

2. The charge of the atom can be obtained as follow:

  • Number of protons = 12
  • Number of electrons = 10
  • Charge =?

Charge = number of protons - number of electrons

= 12 - 10

= +2

Thus, the mass number is 24 and the charge is +2. The correct answer to the question is option A

Learn more about mass number:


Mass number= atomic number + number of  neutrons.
Z=number of protons=12


If, we have 12 protons and 10 electrons, the charge of this ion is +2

Therefore: mass number:24; charge: +2

Answer: a. mass number: 24; charge: +2

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 I hope this helps.  Let me know if anything is unclear.

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If the volume goes up, the pressure goes down.


