Which of the following best describes how the colonies justified seeking independence


Answer 1
Answer: We need the following to have the answer, hon. It's a multiple choice question; we need the choices.

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The main reason why Jamestown was taken over by the British government in 1624 is because many European countries were scrambling to claim territory in the Americas due to the vast amount of riches and resources that were available. 


There had been too much death and conflict with the American Indians.


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Perihalkan perjuangan dato maharajalela atau yam tuan antah


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Which of the following best defines the Southern Code during the slavery era? White Southerners believed women should not do certain chores and gentlemen should not do manual labor. White Southerners thought free African Americans were treated worse than enslaved African Americans. White Southerners considered it their duty to provide food, shelter, and clothing to enslaved people while relieving them of responsibility. White Southerners felt there should be an immediate end to slavery and called for abolitionism.





white southern believed women should not to certain chores and gentleman should not do manual labor.




With the threat of World War 3 on the horizon, the Cuban middle crisis was finally resolved by what



The Cuban missile crisis was resolved when the US promised to respect the territorial sovereignty of Cuba and Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba. Less than a year after the crisis ended the US and the Soviet Union signed an agreement to end the above-ground testing. Later in 1968, they signed the nonproliferation treaty. The European allies of the US were angered but the secret negotiation that the US was having with the Soviet Union, which could have led to atomic war.

Scientists believe our universe comes fromA Singularity
A galaxy
Another universe
Scientists don't know


They believe the universe was created because of The Big Bang .. so I think the answer would be A singularity
I’m not sure I’m in the middle of galaxy and singularity ....