ASL QUESTIONS NEED HELPThe difference between the signs for "understand" and "don't understand" is the location of the sign.

Question 7 options:

Unmarked handshapes are A, B, 5, G, 2, C, and O.

Question 2 options:

Which two signs incorporate the handshape of the first letter of that word?

Question 14 options:

deaf and language

communicate and nephew

hard of hearing and listen

chat and speak/talk?

Urgent plz help!!!


Answer 1



The answer is actually False, the sign is actually the same for "understand" and "don't understand." The difference is that when you say undertsand, you are nodding your head up and down like you are saying "yes." When you say don't understand, you nod your head side to side like you are saying "no."


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model : 
larga,-adjectiv propriu-zis,variabil,se acorda gen,numar si caz cu sunstantivul ,,curtea"(feminin,singular,acuzativ)
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.1 viento Y dos menos nueve es igual trece
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4.triente divido quince es igual dos
5. cuatro multiplicar cinco es igual viente
6. viente y tres menos once es igual doce
7. Cinco mas nueve es igual cuatorce
8. viente y ocho divido cuatro es igual siete
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In 35 words or fewer, explain why you think writing or speaking is more difficult, and why.


When learning a new language speaking skills can be more difficult to learn because of idioms and tone.

How to learn a new language?

It is necessary to develop a set of writing, speaking, reading and listening skills to establish vocabulary and grammar rules to learn a new language. For that you can use resources like reading books and watching movies in the desired language.

Therefore, training in conversation is an important activity to familiarize yourself with a new language and establish its peculiarities.

Find out more about language skills here: