One person may slip another person a date rape drug to induce _______.A. hallucinations
B. delusions
C. flashbacks
D. amnesia


Answer 1
Answer: D. amnesia, so they can't be identified to the police
Answer 2

Answer: D. Amnesia


D. amnesia, so they can't be identified to the police

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Question 3 of 10Isaac is experiencing confusion, problems with coordination, and slowed
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struggling with memory loss and fatigue. What drug is Isaac most likely
A. Depressants
B. Stimulants
C. Steroids
D. Marijuana


A. Depressants because Depressants are drugs that are capable of interfering with the normal functioning of the central nervous system, leading to decreased brain activity. In people who consume depressants symptoms such as: Drowsiness, Lack of attention, Confusion, Dizziness, Slowness to process information, Decreased mobility, etc. Other effects caused by the consumption and abuse of these substances are: Fatigue, Depression, Sleep disorders, Sexual dysfunction, and even memory disorders.

Read more at Answer.Ya.Guru –
depressants. if you over use depressants, they can extremely affect your everyday life living, i mean so can steroids, but it’s most likely depressants

6. Which of the following is not a somatotype?mesomorph

9. You can help alter your body shape by how much you exercise.

10. Tween and teen overall digital media use averages 7.5 hours per day, and the recommended amounts of physical activity are only accomplished by one-third of high school students. These statistics are perceived as a detriment to the health of the youth.
Based on the context clues, perceived as a detriment most likely means which of the following?

viewed as harmful
recognized as supportive
misleading about activities



6 - Somatomorph.

9 - True(you can't alter somatotype, but exercise can modify your body shape).

10 -  Viewed as harmful


Somatotype is a theory of body classification technique. It was first developed in 1940 by William Sheldon which divided the physical structure of the human being into three different conditions: Endomorphy (adiposity), Mesomorphy (muscularity) and Ectomorphy (thinness), defining certain physical characteristics that differentiate them from each other.

It is also important to note that you can't alter somatotype, but exercise can modify your body shape.

Finally, physical activity beeing only accomplished by one-third of high school students is a worrying statistic and it is viewed as harmful.

6.) somatomorph   9.) False   10.) viewed as harmful

Those with good emotional 6 __________.a. always have good mental 6
b. express both positive and negative feelings appropriately
c. can suppress their feelings without consequence
d. never get angry


The answer is letter B.

Thosepeople who have a good emotional status are able to express both positive andnegative feelings appropriately. This is because this state enables a person tomake quick and wise decisions that are necessary to response to stimuli.Experts suggest that emotionalbalance can be achieved easily through organizing and time management. If aperson engages in a systematic lifestyle stressors are no longer there to annoythat particular person. 

Meditationand stretches can also bring an anxious mind into a well-balanced and calmstate.




Describe briefly what happens during the first trimester of a pregnancy


inwardly the fetus starts to grow, and your hormone levels will differ. you may not see it but the body is changing the help the fetus, and the uterus stars to support the growth of the placenta.    

The health problem caused by not eating enough necessary nutrients is known as malnutrition.a. True
b. False


The answer is *True*
This is true........

How can you adapt strategies for conflict resolution to your own personal life when a problem arises with friends or family?


Conflicts arise when different people have different solutions to a given situation. Conflicts helps in getting the best possible solution.

When a conflict arise first try to understand the nature of the problem, then everyone available should be given chance to explain and justify their solution (this technique is known as Brainstorming). Then all solutions are analysed and questioned by other participants, the solutions with less answers are discarded and finally the best possible solution is available.

Learn more at


When a problem arises I can try to use the steps in conflict resolution: define the problem, propose a solution, listen carefully to the other person, agree on shared values, and brainstorm together. We may need to compromise, use arbitration as a solution or a mediator, or agree to disagree.

please make brainliest