A formal culture region.
Probable cause is reasonable suspicion that someone could potentially be a criminal, or is suspected they are going to commit a crime.
Example 1: The police come to Dave’s house, and they’re looking for a graffiti suspect. There’s nothing suspicious going on, and he even has an alibi for when the graffiti artist struck. If they search his house without his consent, that is violation to the Fourth Amendment.
Example 2: Rose is in the same situation, however, spray cans are around her house and she’s acting funny. Things aren’t lining up. This would constitute as probable cause because they have reasonable suspicion that she’s done something and therefore would not violate the Fourth Amendment.
B. floating gardens
D. roads and aqueducts
The government of the USA, that is, those who rule, do it by the consent of those ruled. This is the key idea of the social contract. The people, the nation´s sovereign , express their consent by voting for those who are in power, for those who represent them. This is today´s expression of John Locke´s idea.
a temperature difference and the presence of electromagnetic waves
B. metals
C. technology
D. taxes
A. merchants
Roman trade was the engine that led to the economy of the late Republic and early Empire. Fads and trends of historiography and popular culture have tended not to deal with the economic base of the empire in favor of the lingua franca that was Latin and the deeds of the legions. Both the language and the legions were supported by commerce, being at the same time part of its spine. The Romans were businessmen and the longevity of their empire was due to their trade.
Although in theory the members of the Senate and their families were prohibited from engaging in trade, members of the equestrian order did, despite their aristocratic values that emphasized military hobbies and recreational activities. Commoners and freemen had stores or tended to markets, while large numbers of slaves did most of the hard work. The slaves themselves were also the object of commercial transactions, and given their high proportion in society (compared to Ancient Greece) and the reality of the escapes, servile wars and minor uprisings, gave a distinctive touch to Roman trade.
The intricate, complex and extensive accounting of Roman commerce was carried out with the help of counters and Roman abacuses, which used Roman numbers, were specially designed for the accounts in coins and Roman units.
They brought both the light of understanding along with a the movement of human emotion and desired change
Civil rights actions such as marches, rallies, and voter registration drives, engaged the public with the insight that there was indeed a problem or issue. Once the public became aware of theses issues regarding social injustices, they could enage their thoughts about how to bring change to problems that plagued society. As Martin Luther KIng Jr. stated, "Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere. This summizes how the staging of these various civil rights acts, were necessary as vital movements for the well being of society as a whole.