Which of the following is evidence of the past existence of glaciers


Answer 1
Answer: it would have to be rift valleys
Answer 2
Answer: Definetly Rift valleys

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In paragraph form, describe the six main points of most creation myths.


Answer: Ctrl+C >> Ctrl+V

The six main points of most creation beliefs are not used in all regions but most use it. One of the points is the earth usually starts off with nothing but darkness and lifelessness. Then they introduce the supreme being. Next, where the deity originated or in other words where the supreme being came from or how they got there. The fourth point is the decedents from the ancestors or the genealogy. The fifth point is the explanation of why bad things happen. The last point or the sixth point is how the earth will end. Most creation beliefs have those points. For example, Christianity has a creation belief that includes most of these six main points. The creation belief is: The earth started off lifeless and with darkness. But then the supreme being named God or Jesus, Christ, etc. came along. The creation belief does not include where the deity originated because God is considered the supreme being or biggest and highest in power. God then creates Adam and Eve from which the rest of the world descended from. The explanation for why bad things happen is usually because of someone named Satan. The book Christianity uses is the bible and it states there that the earth will end with the battle of God and Satan forces, and in the last days there will be harsh conditions. Overall most religions include these six points in the creation belief and one of these regions is Christianity.

Explanation: lemme break it down for you :)

  1. Starts of with nothing but darkness
  2. Name of Supreme being
  3. Where the deity originated-- or where the God and(or) Goddess came from
  4. Genealogy--or a line of decendents from the ancestor
  5. Explantion why bad things happen
  6. How the eartn will end

I got the answer right on my Homework so I hope you get it right too :) You should just paraphrase it to adjust the vocabulary so it fits the grade level your in more. I hope this helps! I was having a hard time in the assignment too .

1. Before the beginning nothing (void) exists. 

2. Into the infinite nothingness a spark appears to swirl, expand and fractalise ever random patterns (chaos). 

3. Into this primordial soup enter three creative powers, namely divine action (energy), utterance (vibration, word), and intent (knowledge). Note: I take these three elements from ancient Egyptian metaphysics, where Heka as "life-giving (divine) energy", with Hu as "life-giving (divine) utterance" and Sia as "life-giving (divine) knowledge" represented the three creative powers of the creator, all of which they deemed necessary for Creation to come about. 

4. The three creative powers produce the first semblance of order from chaos, in some virtually unimaginable moment of emergence. 

5. Order produces a cascade of forms, and the unconscious becomes conscious, just as action produces reaction etc. 

6. Living things become the images or representations of the creative power/process.

How do you think the sea may affected life in japan?


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What does greater capital mobility mean?


Greater Capital Mobility essentially means conditions in which nations remove or reduce barriers to investment capital.

What is the meaning of capital mobility?

The ability to move money easily from one place to another, usually from one country to another, is referred to as capital mobility. True capital mobility also entails the capacity to transfer funds without paying any fees or costs from one location to another.

Increased capital mobility basically refers to situations where countries remove or lower restrictions on investment capital flowing from one country to another, enabling it to move around more easily, more quickly, and more affordably.

Capital mobility refers to how easily money and other financial resources can travel across borders. Capital immobility occurs when there are barriers to its freedom of movement.

Learn more about Capital Mobility at



Answer: investment money flows freely around the world.
