Obedience and control is a recurring theme of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. Which line in this excerpt from act 1 of the play reflect this theme?HELMER: Nora, Nora, and you would be a party to that sort of thing? To have any talk with a man like that, and give him any sort of promise? And to tell me a lie into the bargain?

Nora. A lie—?

HELMER: Didn't you tell me no one had been here? (Shakes his finger at her) My little songbird must never do that again. A songbird must have a clean beak to chirp with--no false notes! (Puts his arm round her waist) That is so, isn't it? Yes, I am sure it is. (Lets her go) We will say no more about it. (Sits down by the stove) How warm and snug it is here! (Turns over his papers.)

NORA (After a short pause, during which she busies herself with the Christmas Tree): Torvald!


NORA: I am looking forward tremendously to the fancy-dress ball at the Stenborgs' the day after tomorrow.

HELMER: And I am tremendously curious to see what you are going to surprise me with.


Answer 1
Answer: ``My little songbird must never do that again. A songbird must have a clean beak to chirp with--no false notes! ``
Answer 2

Answer: My little songbird must never do that again. A songbird must have a clean beak to chirp with--no false notes!

"A Doll's House" deals with the topic of obedience. Moreover, it discusses the differences in gender roles between men and women. In this excerpt, Nora is compared to a "songbird." She is scolded for lying, and is told that, because she is a songbird, she should not engage in that kind of deception. This shows not only that lying is wrong, but more importantly, that Nora is expected as a woman to be obedient, and follow the behaviour that Helmer thinks is better.

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GPS technology uses the Earth’s magnetic fields to determine a location point.



This statement is false.


It is not true that GPS technology works by using magnetic fields on Earth in order to find a particular location. Instead, what happens is that GPS satellites which orbit our planet transmit various signals at the speed of light in order to convey such information. These satellites send out signals, the receivers on Earth read those signals, then they measure how near or far the signal is, and then pinpoint the exact location. Ultimately, it has nothing to do with magnetic fields.

In "Wave" Dale Wisely characterizes water as an element that A. gives life
B. Takes life
C. gives and takes life
D. is life



C. gives and takes life


In the poem Dale Wisely says that

"Waters split the firmament,

dividing heaven from earth

in a splashy feat of parting

here from… there."

The stanza in the poem is actually differentiating heaves from earth which means that life on earth and life after-here is a firmament between earth and skies. Life on earth is where living things are born and in the heavens they go when their life is taken.


C. gives and takes life


The stanza in the sonnet is really separating hurls from the earth which implies that life on earth and life after-here is an atmosphere among earth and skies. Life on earth is the place living things are conceived and in the sky, they go when their life is over.

What is the situation cause your pupils to change small to large?


That process is known as dilation, it occurs when you are in a dark place so your pupils can let in more light. 

What does the Pardoner reveal about the content of his tale to the other pilgrims in 'The Canterbury Tales'?



In "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer, the Pardoner reveals the content of his tale to the other pilgrims during their journey to Canterbury. The Pardoner is one of the many colorful characters that Chaucer introduces in his collection of stories, and he is known for his corrupt practices as a pardoner.

The Pardoner's tale revolves around the theme of greed and its consequences. He begins by describing how he preaches against the sin of avarice, or excessive greed, and how he uses his position as a pardoner to manipulate people into giving him money in exchange for forgiveness of their sins. However, he openly admits that he himself is guilty of the very sin he condemns.

The Pardoner's tale is a moral fable that serves as a cautionary tale against the dangers of greed and materialism. It tells the story of three young men who set out to find Death and kill him. Along their journey, they encounter an old man who tells them that they can find Death under a nearby tree. When they reach the tree, instead of finding Death, they discover a pile of gold coins.

The presence of the gold coins tempts the three men, and they quickly forget about their original quest to kill Death. They decide to keep the treasure for themselves and plan to carry it back to their village under the cover of darkness. However, one of them is sent to town to fetch food and wine while the other two stay behind to guard the treasure.

While alone with the gold coins, the two remaining men plot to kill their companion upon his return so that they can split the treasure between themselves. However, unbeknownst to them, the companion has also plotted to poison their wine in order to keep all the treasure for himself.

When the companion returns with food and wine, he is stabbed by his friends, and they drink the poisoned wine, resulting in their own deaths. Thus, the tale ends with all three men meeting their demise due to their greed and treachery.

Through his tale, the Pardoner reveals his own hypocrisy and the corrupt nature of his profession. He uses the story as a means to expose the dangers of greed and materialism, highlighting the destructive consequences that can arise from such vices. The Pardoner's intention is to provoke a sense of guilt and self-reflection among his listeners, urging them to repent and seek forgiveness for their sins.

The content of the Pardoner's tale reflects his own character and serves as a critique of the church's practices during Chaucer's time. The Pardoner is depicted as a manipulative figure who exploits people's fears and desires for personal gain. His tale serves as a reminder that true repentance cannot be bought or achieved through material means but requires genuine remorse and a change of heart.

In conclusion, the Pardoner reveals the content of his tale to the other pilgrims in "The Canterbury Tales" as a cautionary fable against greed and materialism. Through his story, he exposes his own hypocrisy and criticizes the corrupt practices of his profession. The tale serves as a moral lesson, urging listeners to reflect on their own sins and seek true repentance.

Which word in the sentence is the direct object? He locates them in dark, loose soil.a. He
b. locates
c. soil
d. them


The correct answer is: D: them. Object in the sentence is the entity that is acted upon by the subject. In this sentence, subject is "he", and "he" is doing the action of locating upon "them". Types of object are: 1) direct object: entity acted upon. Example: Suzan is making a CAKE. 2) indirect object: entity indirectly affected by the action. Example: Tom sent HER flowers. 3) prepositional object: object introduced by a preposition (to, for) Example: Tom is waiting for GEORGE.


The other answer is right


I passed with a 100%

Reckless driving is dangerous.


Yes it is, you could hurt someone or yourself, it can lead to serious injuries or even death. 
Reckless driving is very dangerous, it could hurt or kill you, or even someone else.

Hope this helps.