b. "no markets for their produce"
c. "serious curtailment of income"
d. "the withered leaves of industrial enterprise"
The correct answer is: Option C. Serious curtailment of income.
The objective of a business company is to have a profitable business plan by offering goods or services promising of demand. When these goods or services are not requested enough to generate the required income for maintenance of the business' infrastructure, then not only the business plan becomes obsolete, but the company ends up hanging on the verge of failure.
It is hard to recover from this mistake if production has already been set to meet with the business plan estimates since the excess produce would simply be stored and not sold.
B) delight
C) enlightenment
D) violence
This is the passage: I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
B. The tone is the author's attitude toward the subject.
C. The tone is the author's voice while describing events.
D. The tone is the description of characters by the author.