Opinion: Yes
Explanation: 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Empire from 1915-1917. Because of the relative strength of the Ottoman Empire and the nation of Turkey after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the genocide has never been fully acknowledged.
Skyscrapers reveals the country’s economic, technological and political strength, so it is important for the growth and development of cities.
Long inhabitable high building known as skyscrapers. Recent times, settlements widespreaded from one city to another resulted in no vacuum land between the two cities, it is otherwise known as Conurbation. Long continuous builtup area between the two more cities is called conurbation. It shows the construction technology, uninterrupted communication and production, easy accessible and movement of goods and sustainable cities – these are all important for growth and development. All multi national companies need the uninterrupted and sustainable cities for their institution growth.
The answer is B.
The person above me is correct.
Genocide is defined as the intentional killing of a large group of individuals.
Many of the Armenian deaths were intentional killings by the Ottomons.
In fact, the alternate name for the Armenian Massacre is the Armenian Genocide.