C6H14 has a lower boiling point than C11H24.
The best name for the compound is DINITROGEN TRIOXIDE.
Each chemical compound is always represented by a chemical symbol, which shows the ratio at which each atom of the elements of the compound are combine together and this is often used in naming the compound. Looking at the compound given in the question, the compound is made up of two atoms of nitrogen and three atoms of oxygen and this fact was used in naming the compound. In naming chemical compounds, 'Di' stands for 2 while 'Tri' stands for 3. Since there are two nitrogen and three oxygen atoms in the compound, that was why it was named dinitrogen trioxide.
An intensive property is a property that does not depend on the amount of the substance in a system being measured. Examples are density and color. The opposite is called extensive where the properties depends on the amount of a substance.
The correct answer is A. The temperature at which the motion of particles theoretically ceases.
The term "absolute zero" is used to refer to a temperature (degree of heat) in which particles have no movement or only minimal vibration as in this temperature the energy of particles is affected. Due to this, the absolute zero is one of the lowest temperatures that exists as it is equivalent to -273 °C or -459 °F, although it has been proved temperature can be even lower at certain circumstances. According to this, "absolute zero" is mainly defined by the lack of motion in particles and thus, the correct answer is "he temperature at which the motion of particles theoretically ceases".