What was the struggle of the orders


Answer 1
Answer: between the plebeians (commoners) and patricians (aristocrats) of the ancient roman republic lasting from 494 BC to 287 BC , in which the plebeians sought political equality with the patricians

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One of the main ways in which the the experiences of Jamestown settlers and pilgrims were alike is that both groups faced extreme hardships in terms of their environment--such as a lack of food and hostile natives--but they differed in that the former were there mainly to profit, while the latter were there to escape persecution. 

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In a unanimous decision, the Court held that Congress had the power to incorporate the bank and that Maryland could not tax instruments of the national government employed in the execution of constitutional powers. Writing for the Court, Chief Justice Marshall noted that Congress possessed unenumerated powers not explicitly outlined in the Constitution. Marshall also held that while the states retained the power of taxation, "the Constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme. . .they control the Constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them."

Which of the following is a limitation on congressional power?A.
granting patents and copyrights
setting and collecting federal taxes
regulating interstate trade
taxing interstate trade


D.Taxing Interstate Trade

What is the power of Congress?

Congressional authority, sometimes known as an express constitutional authority, is described in Section 8 of Article 1. In order to implement its express laws, Congress also has the implied authority to enforce any other laws. The U.S.Constitution, which the Supreme Court awarded to congress, gives Congress this authority. With clearly stated Congressional powers, Congress serves as the federal government's legislative body.

The constitution gives Congress broad authority, but it also sets forth several restrictions, one of which is the prohibition on taxing interstate commerce. The United States' foreign policy involves interacting with other countries and setting norms of conduct for its institutions, authorities, and governance for Americans living abroad. For the benefit of the United States and the international community, the major goal of these policies is to create a sustainable, democratic, safe, and affluent world. Additionally, it asserts that trade ties with other countries will defend American citizens who reside abroad, as well as their enterprises abroad, access to international markets, and agreements on commodities.

Learn more about the Congressional powers with the help of the given link:



Answer: hi I hope your doing good the answer is D: taxing interstate trade

Explanation: hope i help :)

Trade along the Silk Roads and the trans-Saharantrade routes resulted in
(1) elimination of all traditional beliefs
(2) a movement toward decolonization
(3) the Columbian exchange
(4) cultural diffusion between different societies


Trade along the Silk Roads and the trans-Saharan trade routes resulted in "(4) cultural diffusion between different societies" among many other things. 

Why did General Ford face a difficult election in 1976


Guessing you mean Gerald...?

A. Ford couldn't raise enough money to run a serious campaign.
B. Ford faced a severe recession in the nation.
C. Jimmy Carter was an unusually charismatic speaker.
D. Ford refused to pardon Nixon.