Kathleen is a girlsâ soccer coach who lies now and then to her young team in order to keep up their spirits and guarantee they have fun, even if they are not the best players in the league. Kathleenâs lying could be an example of utilitarian __________.


Answer 1




Utilitarian ethics is based on the belief of evaluating the benefits and harms of actions. In this case the action is lying to the young team in order to keep their spirts high and encourage the team to continue to play and have fun.

So lying although by some considered as unethical, utilitarian ethics considers it acceptable when the action (the lie) has a greater benefit or minimizes harm, than not lying.

Utilitarian ethics does not consider it immoral to lie if the lie has a greater benefit or it reduces harm. It could even be considered immoral not to lie because of the harm it could cause, in this case to the young team.

In this example if the girls' soccer coach did not lie it could hurt the spirts of the young soccer team, and could discourage them from continuing to play and have fun.

So Kathleen the girls' soccer coach estimated the consequence of the lie as a greater benefit than telling the truth and possibly hurting the teams spirits and fun.

Although it seems reasonable to lie to the team and  not hurt their feelings, some critizise this approach. The problem that critics have with utilitarian ethics is that people could erronuesly estimate the consequence of the lie and the harm or benefits it could have.

For example, maybe by telling the team the truth it would encourage the team to improve and grow by correcting their mistakes and having a positive outcome.

So although lying could seem as the right thing to do for Kathleen, other coaches could have a different approach, and ethical thought should be considered when making decisions that could harm or benefit people.

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