When might you use connotation in your writing?when you are trying to persuade
when you are using facts and statistics
when you are writing research reports
when you are trying to explain


Answer 1

Answer: A: when you are trying to persuade.

 Connotation might be used in a writing with the purpose to persuade because a word carries a variety of associations and meanings besides the denotation, which is the literal meaning found in the dictionary. The connotative meaning helps create emotions in the reader, and, if the word is chosen correctly, it can be a point in persuasion.

Answer 2
Answer: when you are trying to persuade, specifically with emotion

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  A. Leaf: tree


  The string is to a guitar the same a leaf is to a tree. They are both minor parts of something bigger.

  An analogy is a comparison in which an idea or thing is compared to another that is quite different from it.

  I hope this answer helps you.

A. Leaf : Tree 
Because Leaf is a part of the tree just like strigs are part of the quitar

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(b) Mexico has rigid, social classes.
(c) Mexico has, rigid social classes.
(d) Mexico has rigid social classes.


D is the correct answer because a comma is only used with adjectives if it makes sense when switched around.


(d) Mexico has rigid social classes


The correct answer is the letter "D". Commas are used in different types of occasions and situations. The sentence is stating a fact and that is why it doesn't need a comma; the message needs to be read clear. In letter "a", "b" and "c" the comma is used in a wrong way. Because it separates what it doesn't need to be separated; or it just simply stops the "flow" of the sentence.

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its stream of consciousness

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the answer is 

Identify the following sentence as declarative, interrogative, imperative, or exclamatory.

What a sad thing that is!

Answer : A. Exclamatory