Coral reefs are unaffected by pollution. Please select the best answer from the choices provideda. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: b. False

Coral reefs are dying In particular coral mining, agricultural and urban runoff, pollution, overfishing, etc.
Answer 2

The given statement is False.

Corals reefs are affected by the pollution. When sediments and the other pollutants enter the water, they smoother the coral reefs and they damage the coral reef and increases the growth of the damaging algae.

Pollution make the corals more susceptible to disease and can also alter their rate of reproduction.

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Natural Selection is a process in which certain traits become more common or not. This is determined by the necessity of certain traits and the environment the species finds itself in. Natural selection only acts on existing traits because they are the traits active in a given species in a given environment.


Natural Selection can only occur to living organisms.

Why are plasmids so widely used in recombinant DNA studies?A. because they naturally contain much foreign DNA
B. because they can be used to transform bacteria
C. because it is difficult to insert new genes into them
D. because they cannot be cut with restriction enzymes



Option (B).


Plamids are the extra chromsomal circular DNA present in the bacterias. Plasmid DNA can undergo replication independently to the chromsomal DNA.

Plamids can be used to transform bacteria and used in the molecular techniques. The foreign gene can easily be inserted into the plasmid DNA and used in the formation of recombinant protein.

Thus, the correct answer is option (B).

I would guess is B
A: the bacteria contains its DNA
B; when a new gene is added it can transform the bacteria by altering its biochemistry
C:its easy to insert new genes into a plasmid
D: the plasmid is cut with special enzymes

hope that helps 

Does ceres the dwarf planet orbit mars?


Yes, for a prove :

" On Friday morning (March 6), NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at Ceres, becoming the first probe ever to orbit a dwarf planet. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and the closest dwarf planet to Earth" - google ...


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Human somatic cells have 46 chromosomes, including 22 homologous pairs and one pair of nonhomologous sex chromosomes. This is the 2n, or diploid, condition. Human gametes have 23 chromosomes, one each of 23 unique chromosomes. This is the n, or haploid, condition.

I hope this helped :)

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The process of making RNA from a DNA sequence is calledA. translation.
B. transcription.
C. transduction.
D. transformation.


The process of making RNA from a DNA sequence is called transcription. Therefore, the correct answer is option b.

Transcription is a fundamental molecular process that occurs in cells to create RNA molecules from the information stored in DNA. Here's a more detailed explanation:

  • DNA as the Genetic Code: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material found in the nucleus of cells. It contains the instructions for building and functioning of an organism. These instructions are encoded in the sequence of nucleotide bases adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G) along the DNA molecule.
  • Transcription Initiation: Transcription begins when a specific segment of DNA, containing a gene (a functional unit of DNA that codes for a particular protein or RNA molecule), is selected for transcription. This gene serves as a template for creating a complementary RNA molecule.
  • RNA Polymerase: An enzyme called RNA polymerase initiates the transcription process. It recognizes a specific region on the DNA called the promoter and starts unwinding the DNA double helix.
  • Base Pairing: As the DNA strand is unwound, RNA polymerase adds complementary RNA nucleotides to the growing RNA strand based on the sequence of the DNA template. However, in RNA, thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U), so when the RNA strand is synthesized, it contains adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and uracil (U).
  • Elongation: RNA polymerase continues to move along the DNA template, adding complementary RNA nucleotides, thus extending the RNA strand. This process continues until it reaches a specific termination sequence on the DNA.
  • Termination: At the termination sequence, transcription stops, and the newly synthesized RNA molecule is released. This RNA molecule is called messenger RNA (mRNA) in most cases, and it carries a copy of the genetic information from the DNA.
  • Result: The end product of transcription is an mRNA molecule that contains the instructions for synthesizing a specific protein. This mRNA molecule can now exit the cell nucleus and move into the cytoplasm, where it will serve as a template during translation for the assembly of amino acids into a protein.

In summary, transcription is the process by which RNA is synthesized from a DNA template. It plays a critical role in gene expression, as it allows the genetic information encoded in DNA to be transcribed into a form (mRNA) that can be used by the cell to produce proteins during the process of translation.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b.

Learn more about transcription here:


The term for the process of making RNA from a DNA is called B. transcription. hope this helps luv!