The correct answer to the question: The fetal hold should never be used on:____, would be, B: Overweight cats.
The fetal hold is a technique on how to handle, especially how to manage them when you are picking them up on your hands and positioning them on their back over your hands. In all other types of cats: kittens, young adult cats, small and older adult cats, this position will not put pressure on the lower back of the cat, and it is a normal, and correct way of picking and carrying this animal. However, on overweight cats, the result will exactly be exerting pressure on the cat´s lower back, endangering the integrity of the cat´s back.
Answer and Explanation:
I've read somewhere that holding on to anger is like holding an ember with your hands to throw it at someone else. You end up burning yourself before you can even hurt the other person. I believe the quote in the question conveys essentially the same meaning. Holding anger serves no good purpose, nor does it bring any benefits.
I have been offended and mistreated several times during my life. Until not long ago, I had chosen to hold on to anger, constantly reminding myself of the offense and, consequently, living resentful. That has obviously - and very predictably - taken its toll on me. It became harder for me to keep my emotions under control. Every time I found myself facing a situation that resembled those previous ones, my brain and body would immediately react, as if an alarm had been activated inside me. I would get angry so fast, I didn't even see it coming. I would end up overreacting, being rude to the other person in a desperate measure to defend myself, my ego, my feelings. It turns out that was not a good tactic. Only recently I chose to learn and understand that forgiving and letting go of anger was the solution. It is not an easy task, and I haven't changed overnight. But I got myself together. Now, I take my time to breath, and then let go. Many of the problems and situations that would normally bother me have no effect on me whatsoever, leaving much room to happiness, calm, and relaxation.
Note: feel free to adapt this according to your own life experiences.
The right of women to vote was recognized.
In 1870, constitutional amendment no. 15, which guaranteed the right to vote to men of any race, color and social status. Only then, a new battle would begin, an amendment by the female vote, which would take the name of its idealizer, Susan Anthony. It was presented to the US Congress, but its approval would be long and arduous. With the autonomy that the Constitution delegates to the member states of the American Union, the then territory of Wyoming, in the year 1869, was the pioneer, granting for the first time the right to vote for a woman. Subsequently, three more Western states would follow suit and approve the female vote. When Wyoming was elevated to state in 1890, there was insistence on the part of the Union that this conquest be abolished. The local Congress responded that it "preferred to delay its entry into the Union for 100 years to sacrifice the political rights of women."
Individual choices
If both have a choice, they can just decide on doing what they want to do. In this case, it seems pretty clear that, for whatever reason it may be, Martha did not want to go to the movies, so she decided to stay home. George on the other hand, decided to go. Maybe there's a movie that he would not like to miss.
in ways that are closely related to family, in cooperation with schools and the media, as the most powerful long-term force in the lives of their friends.
It is proven that adolescents, faced with their development and lack of maturity of cognitive development and their social values, acquire, test and analyze certain addictions such as smoking, not only as a method of rebellion but also as knowledge of the space of the unknown.