Select the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. He went to the ____ to get his medication. druggist drugist both


Answer 1

Answer: The correct form of the word that completes the sentence is "druggist": "He went to the druggist to get his medication".

Explanation: The correct way of spelling the word that fills in the blank is "druggist", that is to say that this word is always written with double "g" and that writing it with just one "g" is considered to be incorrect. Moreover, "druggist" is a noun used to refer to a pharmacist or a professional that prepares and distributes medicinal drugs. In that way, the word "druggist" is formed doubling the consonant "g" and adding the suffix "-ist" at the end of the root word "drug".

Answer 2
Answer: He went to the druggist to get his medication.

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Final answer:

In poetry, 'sill of shade' usually symbolizes a transition between light and darkness, which can represent various dichotomies. The narrator of a poem, who 'speaks' the poem, may be the author or a constructed character, and may bring personal perceptions to the reader's understanding of the poem.


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9. Which one of these sentences contains a prepositional phrase?A. Trolls live under bridges; elves do not.
B. Where did you find the papers that I lost?
C. To be, or not to be: that is the question.
D. You may think otherwise, but what I tell you is true.


A prepositional phrase is a phrase containing a preposition (and which includes a noun). Prepositions are words that express relations (such as spacial or temporal) and which come before the noun. 

In the examples above, there is only one preposition: "under", and because of that only sentence A contains a prepositional phrase.

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Narrative on being judged


Michael was judged by his appearance in school because he was just 66 kg. So he decided to move houses and schools with his family. He then became depressed about his weight and then started exercising. When he arrived to his school, everyone was so shocked on what he looked like. After school, Micheal weighed himself after 2 years of non-stop exercising. His weight was 50 kg. He was shocked.

The next day, the bullies were trying to find Micheal to make fun of his weight. Micheal came forward to them. The bullies thought he was some new guy so they just passed him.

“Hey! I’m Micheal.” Micheal exclaimed.

“So it’s the boy we just passes by?” The bully asked.

“Yes. It’s me. Long time no see.

The bully was shocked. He felt like he wanted to be friends, but Micheal might reject him.

“Do you wanna be friends?” The bully questioned.

“Sure, but I got to earn your trust Evan and you have to earn my trust.” Michael replies.

Evan and Micheal have been best friends for 6 years. They were in year 12 and soon went to university. They took a picture of each other.

“Goodbye Micheal. Hope you have a fantastic time without me in University.” Evan was upset, but he stayed calm.

“You too Evan.” Micheal smiled.

They both hugged each other as there farewell celebration was near.

When Micheal got back home, the parents were arguing about where he would go to when he goes to University.

“Look who’s here. The ugly duckling.” The sister laughs.

“Stop Rachel. Stop bullying your brother like that.” Mum and dad gently said.

“I will pick where I would go to whenI go to University. Don’t need to fight ok?” Frustration and stressed took over Micheal.

“Ok Micheal.” Dad responded

“How about you mum?” Micheal asked.

“Yes.” Mum answered.

The sister went back to her room and shut her door. Everyone went upstairs and heard what Rachel was saying.

“How is Micheal so hot?” Rachel whispered.

Everyone laughs and do their own things.

When Micheal goes to university, he met Evan. They were delighted as they could see each other again. Evan protected Micheal from all the bullying happening to him as Michael protected Evan from the bullying.

After 3 years, no one came and bully them again.

The end.


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Which of the following has the same relationship as the words below? circle:cylinder


A similar analogy to circle:cylinder would be square:cube. Or square:pyramid, or triangle:pyramid. Or anything similar.

Read the sentence. The initial results seemed promising, but the final effects were kind of disappointing. Revise the sentence to remove unnecessary qualifiers. a. Delete initial.
b. Delete kind of.
c. Delete final.
d. Delete disappointing.


The initial results seemed promising, but the final effects were kind of disappointing.

In the given sentence above, the unnecessary qualifier that needs to be removed is "kind of". It is an informal expression which is usually used as meaningless fillers. So, the final sentence will be:

The initial results seemed promising, but the final effects were disappointing. 

Kind of needs to be removed.

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