The six dimensions of health are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social. The statement that overall health is related to a balance of the six dimensions of healthy is true. A person must be satisfied will all six dimensions in order to have an overall health. Having one good dimension, for example emotional health and satisfaction, but no physical health is a problem. We should all focus on all aspects of our health and achieve balance between them.
A. Patella
B. Tarsal
C. Phalanges
D. Carpals
E. Tibia
F. Vertebral Column
G. Radius & Ulna
H. Humerus
I. Femur
J. Clavicle
Answer: I. Femur
Explanation: The femur is the bone found in your thigh and is the largest bone in the human body.
The patient should be able to perform activities of daily living without dyspnea.
Bacterial pneumonia is a condition in which the lungs are inflamed due to some bacterial infection. This condition may harm both the lungs or single lung or can even occur in one part of the lung. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main culprit for bacterial pneumonia.
In this condition, our alveoli are inflamed and they are filled with some kind of fluid. So, alveoli are unable to perform their function and lungs are not able to extract oxygen from the air, which causes dyspnea, which is shortness of breath.
So a person who has been treated for bacterial pneumonia should be able to perform daily activities without dyspnea.
it shows that you believe the relationship is important
the reason being is because, if your totally down for the relationship, then youre going to commit to it 100%. no matter how hard it gets you want to do everything you can to keep it going
Answer and Explanation: We know that starting an exercise regime is very demanding and physically challenging job. All kind of exercise regime includes strength games as well as cardiovascular games. During cardiovascular games heart and lungs play very important role, your heartbeat increases and a lot of pressure is buildup on your lungs. Any medical condition in which you cannot use full capacity your heart and lungs is to be taken into consideration before planning any such activity. Some of the medical conditions are:
b. lactose
c. colostrum
d. formula
Immature milk that is high in protein and immunoprotective factors is called colostrum. Correct answer: C
Colostrum is also known as beestings or first milk. The mammary glands produce this milk in late pregnancy and the few days after giving birth. Colostrum is rich in immunologic components, leukocytes, developmental factors such as epidermal growth factor....