go to math- way if you need more help on this.
China is another superpower along side with the US.
the border was different in the Han' Dynasty because more goods and people were opening up to the world during a great time.
the great wall of china was also I border for war and protection.
this was build and secured during the Ming' Dynasty.
Women now joined the work force and many labored infactories and plants to build weapons and machines while others were part ofthe U.S. army. Hispanics and AfricanAmericans also enlisted and some were able to work at factories. After the war, most of the jobs were given toWhite males, though many women went back to being housewives, many still wantedto be part of the workforce. Minorities were also displaced during this period.
The control of the Atlantic Ocean was essential for the success of Great Britain in World War II since this ocean had been the scene where Germany showed naval supremacy during World War I, attempting any blockage that could be presented by Great Britain. Which was clearly successful for the Germans.
Given what happened at that time, the English took corrections during World War II, creating together with the allies better technology such as radars and the use of convoys, thus reducing the amount of subsidence before torpedo launched by the Germans.
In this way it was essential to maintain control of the Atlantic Ocean.
Britain was an island nation dependent on shipping for the supplies it needed.
Hope this helps!