The pattern type this paragraph uses is cause and effect.
Explanation: The paragraph type is cause and effect because it discusses the causes and effects of a situation. In the beginning, it states that "the art of letter writing seems to have declined sharply in recent years" and lists the probable causes of the letter decline.
A mutual fund is a regulated pool of investor money used to buy a diversified group of stocks or bonds from various companies. Their focus can vary from very specific sectors to broad market representations like index funds.
The question asked which statement best describes a mutual fund. The correct statement is D. A mutual fund is a regulated public pool of investor money. Mutual funds are instruments created with the aim of simplifying the investment process. When a financial investor buys mutual fund shares, they are essentially buying a diversified group of stocks or bonds from various companies. Based on the performance of the fund as a whole, the investor receives their return. At one end, some mutual funds focus on specific areas, like company stocks from Indonesia, bonds by large manufacturing companies, or stocks from biotech companies. On the other end of the spectrum, some mutual funds may be broad-based such as an index fund that represents a small fraction of every firm in the stock market.
a mutual fund is a regulated public pool of investor money
b. The cat ate one-half of the treats.
c. He added one-third cup of flour.
b. Comma
c. Period
d. Exclamation point
B. try to be tolerant, even of those we wouldn't choose as friends.
C. not worry about having a positive attitude toward them.
D. overlook their performance if it's at least average.
B. try to be tolerant, even of those we wouldn't choose as friends.
It is best to try to be tolerant towards everyone as we can't say for sure who is to be our co-workers. And it will also make it easier for the other person too if there are no issues. Everybody deserves a chance.
I notice…
I predict…
I infer…
I wonder…
I understand…
I connect…
El Olvido
It is a dangerous thing
to forget the climate of your birthplace,
to choke out the voices of dead relatives
when in dreams they call you
by your secret name.
It is dangerous
to spurn the clothes you were born to wear
for the sake of fashion; dangerous
to use weapons and sharp instruments
you are not familiar with; dangerous
to disdain the plaster saints
before which your mother kneels
praying with embarrassing fervor
that you survive in the place you have chosen to live:
a bare, cold room with no pictures on the walls,
a forgetting place where she fears you will die
of loneliness and exposure.
Jesús, María, y José, she says,
el olvido is a dangerous thing.
*El olvido means forgetfulness in Spanish.