Proposing tax bills
Both Senate and House of Representatives initiate a legislation but its the function of Senate
Approving treaties is also a fuction of the Senate
But the House of Representatives initiate the tax bills in which is B.
The Fifteenth Amendment, enacted in 1870, granted African Americans men the right to vote for the first time in American history, by establishing that the rights of U.S. citizens to vote must not be denied or abridged on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It was one of the many first steps to legally stop discrimination in the nation. However, America would still have a long way to go to fully accomplish that, even after the 19th Amendment which expanded the right to vote for women.
B. Alsace and Lorraine
C. the Rock of Gibraltar
D. the island of Sardinia
Was the creator a neutral party, or did the creator have opinions or interests that might have influenced what was recorded?
Why do you think the author wrote it? For what purpose? Was it created through a spur-of-the moment act, a routine transaction, or a thoughtful, deliberate process?
When the Monroe Doctrine was written, the US had just formed and was not ready to fight the European powers. Monroe basically asked Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere because they were afraid of getting attacked.
The creator, James Monroe, was interested in keeping the United States out of a war it was not prepared for. Though it was out of fear, there was some thinking through; people voted on it, after all.
Note that by "afraid of getting attacked," I not only mean getting attacked through soldiers and cannons but also by taking over nearby areas and competing with the US for natural resources.
One of the greatest playwrights in the world was;
D. William Shakespeare
Edmund Spencer was a poet.
W. Raleigh was a biographer,
Francis Drake was a navigator.
America was united in some respects and deeply divided in others.
The Cold War was more of a propaganda war than a military war. Americans were largely "one nation … indivisible" in their hatred of communism.
However, the threat of a nuclear war was ever-present, and this affected American culture through music, movies, books, and television.
Hollywood made anti-communist movies. Many cloak-and dagger movies used as backdrops the Cold War, espionage, and fictional nuclear and conventional war between the United States and the Soviet Union. These all helped spark American patriotism.
The Cold War initiated the Space Race. Americans groaned when the Russian satellite (Sputnik) went up. They rejoiced when an American landed on the Moon.
Competition in sports like hockey and the Olympics also served as a proxy for military engagement.
Despite the unified sentiment against communism, America as a deeply divided country. There were widespread protests about the Cold War and about civil rights.
Both Allies and the Kremlin criticized the United States for fighting oppression abroad while discriminating against millions of African-Americans at home. Pressure from both sides finally resulted in passage of the Civil Rights Act .
Many protest songs reflected fear of World War III, general sentiments against war and racism. Some examples were