What law of motion corresponds with the following statement?"A small car is easier to start moving than a large car."

-first law
-second law
-third law


Answer 1
Answer: The second law because the first law is an object that is in motion tends to stay in motion, the third law is for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction, The second law is The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
Answer 2


(B) Second Law

Explanation: hope this helps !

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The following are 1.0 M acid solution, which has the largest concentration of hydronium [H3O+]?A. HNO2

B. H2CO3

C. H2SO4

D. H3BO3


H2SO4 has the largest concentration of hydronium [H3O+] because H2SO4 is a strong acid.

Answer: Option (C) is the correct answer.


An acid which is able to dissociate completely into ions in water is known as a strong acid.

For example, H_(2)SO_(4) \rightleftharpoons 2H^(+) + SO^(2-)_(4)

Therefore, sulfuric acid is a strong acid as it dissociates completely into ions in water.

Whereas HNO_(2), H_(2)CO_(3), and H_(3)BO_(3) are all weak acids as they dissociates slightly in water as follows.

H_(3)BO_(3) \rightleftharpoons H^(+) + H_(2)BO^(-)_(3)

HNO_(2) \rightleftharpoons H^(+) + NO^(-)_(2)

H_(2)CO_(3) \rightleftharpoons H^(+) + H_(2)CO^(2-)_(3)

Morover, sufuric acid upon dissociation is giving 2 hydrogen ions and rest all are giving one hydrogen ion.

Thus, we can conclude that out of the given options H_(2)SO_(4) has the largest concentration of hydronium [H3O+].

Which organisms are most likely to survive in a population in which disruptive selection is occurring? 1.Organisms that have average traits 2.Organisms that have extreme traits 3.Organisms that have the greatest number of offspring 4.Organisms that are the largest and strongest



2.Organisms that have extreme traits


Disruptive selection, which is also referred to as diversifying selection, is a form of natural selection in which environmental conditions favor individuals with extreme phenotypes over individuals of intermediate phenotypes. Organisms of average traits, as a result of environmental changes, become unfit to survive as the other organisms having extreme traits


person above me is correct

Identify one way in which dietary preferences have shifted.



Through cultural innovation and changes in habitat and ecology, there have been a number of major dietary shifts in human evolution, including meat eating, cooking, and those associated with plant and animal domestication.


Dietary preferences have shifted in many ways, including:

Increased consumption of processed foods, sugar, industrial seed oils, and poultry

Decreased consumption of butter, lard

, shortening

, dairy, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and red meat

Increased consumption of chicken and cheese

Decreased consumption of milk and ice cream

Increased consumption of corn-derived sweeteners

Increased consumption of foods high in energy, fats, free sugars, and salt/sodium

Decreased consumption of fruit, vegetables, and other dietary fiber such as whole grains

Which of these is an organism a herd of sheep a wolf a drop of water or a heart



-A wolf is an organism


-Living organisms are made up of cells. A cell is the basic building block of all organisms. It is the smallest unit of organization in a living thing. They contain the organism's hereditary information (DNA) and can make copies of themselves in a process called mitosis.

-A herd of sheep, is a group of sheep. A heart is an organ in living organism such as human, a drop of water is a type of mater made up of water molecules.

A wolf! A flock of sheep cannot be called a singular organism, and a drop of water is non-living although it might contain many microorganisms. A heart is a part of an organism but is not one on its own.

Hope this helps! : )

Sickle-cell anemia is a genetically inherited disease. Homozygous individuals (SS) have normal blood cells that are easily infected with the malarial parasite. Thus, many of these individuals become ill and may die. Individuals homozygous for the sickle-cell trait (ss) have sickled red blood cells that readily collapse when deoxygenated. Although malaria cannot grow in these red blood cells, individuals often die because of the hemoglobin disorder. However, individuals with the heterozygous condition (Ss) have some sickling of red blood cells, but generally not enough to cause death. In addition, the heterozygotes tend to survive better than either of the homozygous conditions as they are resistant to malaria. If 16% of an African population is born with a severe form of sickle-cell anemia (ss), what percentage of the population will be heterozygous (Ss) for sickle-cell and therefore resistant to malaria?




it depends on the total percentage of the population. that way we can pick out the percentage of the heterozygous

Final answer:

The percentage of the population that will be heterozygous (Ss) for sickle-cell and therefore resistant to malaria is 84%.


To calculate the percentage of the population that will be heterozygous (Ss) for sickle-cell and therefore resistant to malaria, we need to find the frequency of the ss genotype first. Given that 16% of the population is born with a severe form of sickle-cell anemia (ss), the frequency of the ss genotype is 0.16.

Since we are dealing with a single gene with two alleles, the sum of the frequencies of all possible genotypes should equal 1. So, to find the frequency of the Ss genotype, we can subtract the frequency of the ss genotype from 1.

Frequency of Ss = 1 - Frequency of ss = 1 - 0.16  = 0.84.

Finally, to get the percentage, we can multiply the frequency by 100.

Percentage of the population that will be heterozygous (Ss) = Frequency of Ss x 100 = 0.84 x 100 = 84%.

Learn more about sickle-cell anemia here:



Choose the correct term for the following definition: a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. a. polydipsia
b. corticosteroid
c. epinephrine
d. glycogen





Corticosteroid. Secretion of these hormones increases during pressure identified with nervousness and serious damage. The hormone impact a wide range of physiological procedures, including pressure reaction, regulation of irritation, starch digestion,insusceptible or immune reaction and conduct.

Final answer:

The correct term for a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex is corticosteroid. These hormones are involved in metabolism, immune response, and maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.


The correct term for a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex is b. corticosteroid. The adrenal cortex, a part of the adrenal gland, secretes several types of corticosteroids, including glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. These hormones play crucial roles in metabolism, immune response, and maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the body. They differ from other hormones like epinephrine (c.), which is secreted by the adrenal medulla, and they are not related to glycogen (d.) or the medical condition polydipsia (a.).

Learn more about Corticosteroid here:

