What strategy did Washington use in the early part of the war


Answer 1

The correct answer is D) he retreated whenever necessary to save his army.

The other options of the question were A) he attacked the enemy regardless of the losses to his army. B) he used Native American allies to attack the French. C) he used his navy to blockade English ports in the West Indies.

The strategy that Washington used in the early part of the war was he retreated whenever necessary to save his army.

The Continental Congress appointed General George Washington to lead the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War against the British troops. At first, Washington had to be very careful about the Continental Army strategy because the colonial army had inexperienced soldiers. That is why when the army was in Valley Forge in at the end of 1777, Washington asked for help to Prussian military officer Friedrich Wilhelm Baron von Steuben, and he trained the American troops.

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