Card P's balance increased by $3.43 more than Card Q's balance. The accumulated total on Card P over the 4 years is $1080.70 and the accumulated total of Card Q is $1,206.28. Based on the principal outlay however, Card P would have netted a higher interest over Card Q when the principal is subtracted from the accumulated value. (For eg. Card P accumulated value $1080.70 less Principal $726.19 equals $354.51).The interests over the 4 years period would be $354.51 and $351.08 respectively, hence Card P having an increase in balance of $3.43 over Card Q.
Your answer is C. i rather give the letter its easier.
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Hard work can boost your personal and professional growth. If we work hard, we deserve respect because you set an example for others.
Working hard will give you a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and self-satisfaction. Working hard can help you stay positive and confident.
1. Personal Workforce Development:
Work, by its very nature, offers challenges and opportunities for growth. It asks us to improve and grow, to become a better version of ourselves. The older we grow, the better our job and the greater the challenges.
2. Our work benefits society:
Our work benefits society. It serves others, enriches life and advances everyone. Whether it's packing groceries, delivering mail, analyzing inventory, treating cancer, or managing other employees, we can all view our work as an act of love for those we we serve.
3. Hard work is a role model for our children:
When we try to do our best every day, our children notice. One of the biggest traits I hope to pass on to my children is the importance of striving to do important things.
4.Work hard at work to work hard in life.
When we commit to hard work, we learn important life lessons: determination, focus, responsibility, problem solving, and self-control all come to mind. These lessons serve us in other areas (health, relationships, hobbies, etc.)
5.Work hard to get the most out of your time.
They will pass anyway. With every new day comes an important choice: either we fill it with the best things, or we let it slip away. There was no choice - time was running out anyway. Difficult work choices make the most of it.
6. The work itself is satisfying.
In my opinion, there is nothing more satisfying in life than lying down at night with tired legs and a tired body. Knowing that I've given my all for something important is a wonderful feeling and a sense of accomplishment in itself.
Learn more about Hard work: