maintains a 3.5 grade average in order to keep her phone.
Kit is scoring 3.5 grade because she wants to keep her phone. It is a classic example of extrinsic motivation. Letting her keeping her phone is the external reward she is getting by performing a particular activity ( achieving 3.5 grade in this case). The definition of extrinsic motivation emphasizes that it a kind of motivation to perform an activity that is driven by an external reward.
driven out by natural disasters.
experiencing religious persecution in their home countries.
seeking to improve their lives economically.
The harvesting of rice is an economic activity that is common in this area.
Eastern Asia
United States
Great Britain
Mexican immigrants are largely driven to the US by a desire for better economic opportunities, despite significant challenges, including working in low-paid labor roles. Their presence is indicative of the economic disparity between the two nations rather than an inherent inclination to break laws.
The influx of Mexican immigrants into the United States during the past two decades has largely been driven by a desire to improve their lives economically. Mexican immigrants often find low-paid labor roles such as crop harvesting, which is an essential part of the U.S. economy. Despite the challenges, including living as undocumented migrants and facing legal disputes, they are drawn to the prospect of better economic opportunities. It's important to note that the large number of Mexican immigrants does not signal an inherent inclination to break laws, but rather demonstrates the significant disparity of economic opportunity on either side of the border.
Unfortunately, many Mexican immigrants face hazardous working conditions, language barriers, long hours and low pay, which are exacerbated by their legal status, often leading to inadequate access to health care and rising discrimination.
Finally, the harvesting of rice as an economic activity is more common in regions like Eastern Asia than in Mexico.
Career dissatisfaction: The term "career dissatisfaction" is described as an individual's negative or unhappy feelings related to his or her work or career or the place where he or she works i.e, the work environment. There are many factors or reasons that are being involved in the career dissatisfaction including overwork, working conditions, no promotion, low pay scale, etc.
However, the impact of the person experiencing career dissatisfaction can have on coworker because of the environment they shares.
In the question above, the given statement is false.
the forbrain forms the largest part of the brain because it contains the cerebrum and other brain vesicles.if it sustains damage ,alot of brain activities would be in trouble since it is the largest part.