Committee press secretary is be responsible for online publicity regarding the action of their committee.
Answer: Option C
Every Congress member can have a staff to assist themselves. These staff can directly interact with the Member of Congress regarding the office and works. There can be more than one committee member for a Congressperson. Each will be a particular work like administration, caseworker, P.A, etc.
A Press Secretary or Communication Director will be responsible for the maintenance of communication between the public, other constituents and also between other members. They have to let know whatever the demands, benefits and other requirements as printed circulars to people and to the press also on the official websites(online). So that it can reach the audiences faster even in case of specific issues that need to be solved.
B. Gold and iron were the two metals that led to prosperity of the kingdom of Ghana. and salt were the two main items traded in Ghana
D. Ghanaian blacksmiths produced high quality trade goods out of copper and tin.
The correct options are: A - B
The kingdom of Ghana emerged from the relatively small agro-pastoral settlements of the fourth century in the region known as Awkar. Between the years 750 to 800 a Mandé language people, known as the Soninké, united under Majan Dyabe Cisse or Dinga Cisse, the first warrior king, dominated Awkar (even today the surname Cisse is prominent in the politics of Mauritania and Mali). The Soninké were then the founders of the empire of Ghana that from the VIII century controlled the trans-Saharan trade. At this time there was the introduction of the camel and the Arab way of life in the region and a commercial revolution based on shipments of gold, ivory and salt to North Africa, the Middle East and Europe in exchange for various goods. By enriching the Empire of Ghana, the Transaharino trade was able to expand and gain control of important trade routes.
The answer is Paris. Hope this help!
Judicial review is the system to look over the activities of the government or the policy making branch while passing the law after deliberating it in Senate. Judicial review is carried out by the apex court and it has all powers to invalidate the laws which appear to be unlawful or biased.
The Judicial review taken up by the court can also consider a mandate to be invalid if it doesn’t pertain to the terms of the constitution.
This procedure of judicial review is the right given to the United States’ Ultimate Court under the structure of Checks and Balances and equal delegation of Powers proclaimed in the constitution. The activities of both the branches are regulated by the judiciary through the judicial review and order them to stay within the confines of their authority.
Answer: Before Judicial Review the Judicial Branch wasn’t nearly as powerful as the other two branches Executive and Legislative because the Judicial Branch. Judicial Review have the Judicial Branch the authority to monitor the other Branches through Checks and Balances.
In Georgia's constitution, the Bill of Rights is found in Article I of the constitution. Another difference is that the Supreme Court judges in Georgia are elected. ... Each constitution has three branches of government. The major roles of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches are similar