A young man wants nothing more than to be elected to the school's student government. However, he is not well known and has few friends. Which type of conflict does this show? Man vs. Nature

Man vs. Supernatural

Man vs. Society

Man vs. Man


Answer 1
Answer: man vs society, he is struggling to face the cruel reality of society
Answer 2
Answer: Man vs Society I believe 

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b. the committee presented the petition
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The correct answer is c. After we collected signatures

This is an adverb clause of time that shows when an action occurred. In this case, it is the act of presenting the petition.

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It is an ADVERB.

The word "underground" may function as an adverb or an adjective depending on the context. In this case, it works as an adverb as it modifies a verb: "met", it indicates where the secret society met. And consequently, it does not work as an adjective as adjectives only modify nouns. For a better understanding, here it is a brief definition:

An adverb is a word or set of words that modifies a verb, an adjective, a clause, another adverb, or a phrase, meaning that it can describe how, where, or when an action took place.

That is a adjective because it is describing where the society is meeting.

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2. He reported his discovery to the police. He didn't get to keep the treasure.
3. Mark did badly at school. Now he has to have private lessons.
5. Lucia went to Egypt. She had a chance to see the Pyramids. 

While revising an argumentative essay, a student shoulda. include anecdotes and personal “I” statements to make the essay informal.
b. focus on including more opinions than evidence to strengthen the argument.
c. make sure each paragraph has a clearly stated point to explain a position.
d. make the writing more friendly and informal to engage and entertain readers.


c. Make sure each paragraph has a clearly stated point to explain a position.
The answer is C, because in an argumentative essay you should make shur that each paragraph support your position or claim

Which parts of this excerpt from Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" describe the narrator's opinion of the sea as a hostile entity?A singular disadvantage of the sea lies in the fact that after successfully surmounting one wave you discover that there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective in the way of swamping boats. In a ten-foot dinghy one can get an idea of the resources of the sea in the line of waves that is not probable to the average experience, which is never at sea in a dinghy. As each slaty wall of water approached, it shut all else from the view of the men in the boat, and it was not difficult to imagine that this particular wave was the final outburst of the ocean, the last effort of the grim water.

***One or more answers accepted*****

A) after successfully surmounting one wave

B) there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective

C) the resources of the sea in the line of waves

D) it shut all else from the view of the men

E) this particular wave was the final outburst of the ocean,

F) the last effort of the grim water.


B) there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective
E) this particular wave was the final outburst of the ocean,


Options B and E are the correct answers.


Stephen Crane was one of the main figures in Realist literature. He was an American poet but he also explored some other fields of narrative such as short stories and novels. The Open Boat is one of his short stories and it is based on his own experience after a shipwreck off the coast off Florida. The parts that show the narrator's opinion of the sea as a hostile entity are "there is another behind it just as important and just as nervously anxious to do something effective" and "this particular wave was the final outburst of the ocean."

Why did the Elizabethans believe social class and status were important?


They believed in the Bible and took its rules and restrictions literally. ... The Elizabethans believed social class and status were important for the same reasons people think they are important today.
hope that this helps you!! =)

they mostly believed in the great chain of being, which did dictated social roles

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