What problem was the three-fifths compromise designed to solve


Answer 1
Answer: it solved the issue of how people were going to be represented in government. the three fifths compromise stated that three out of five southern blacks would count as people

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What factors led to urbanization in medieval Europe?


The biggest factor in this era was political, cultural, and social stability derived from consolidation of feudal states based on Christian faith. After the defeat of the migrating nations like Magyars, Europe cased to have external threats that caused widespread migration of nations that completely overrun whatever civilization and state was in their path. This lead to stabilization of the economy based on feudal agrarian system enough to support rising population. Stable farming, improved deep plough technique and widespread clearing of forest increased arable land in Europe into level existed in Roman era. Improved food supply supported not only burgeoning population, but also increasing size of the cities, and state/church bureaucracy. 
Between 1000-1200, the economy expanded and also diversified. The cities became bigger from small villages, and many future centers of commerce and banking have originated in that era. Bigger cities expanded demand for more goods and more population had money to pay for luxuries that were coming from Far East. By 1100, the number of cities and trading posts increased in Europe so dramatically, that it did not take to peasants more than two hours to walk into market to sell their harvest. This increased bond between peasant and the city, where cities had regular supply of food, while peasant was able to exchange it for coinage that he paid to feudal lord. Monetarization of the economy and emphasis on coinage over barter was big impulse into economy. It is estimated that in 12th century, there was three millions of coins in circulation for every 1 mil of population. This stimulated commerce as the coinage became widespread across the continent. 

As the economy and state became more sophisticated, the feudal civilization went through cultural revolution, where Church became the pillar of the society. It provided bureaucracy, bookkeeping, accounting, and other services, while also became the biggest sponsor for education, art, and culture. The Church became dominant cultural influence of the society and became the most closely associated with architectural style prevailing in this time, the Romanesque style. The bishoprics became associated with large cities and attracted large, diverse population. The ruling dynasties attempted to imitate the metropolitan seats, creating first European metropolis after the fall of Roman Empire. The explosion of the city sizes can be detected across continent, which also shows consolidation of the city economy. The feudal nobility and dynasties became more established in the state, protected by dynastic ties and surrounded by well armored knighthood. Such stability was vital for the state and its survival in overall extremely ruthless times.

What was the difference between the 1st great awakening and the 2nd great awakening?


The Great Awaking was referred to as a revival because it refers to periods of religious revivals in American History. There were several periods spiritual awakening that can be considered a religious revival. The Great Awakening occurred as a result of powerful preachers preaching messages of salvation from one's sins. These messages encouraged spirituality and made religion personal to the man on the street. These messages encouraged personal introspection coupled with a commitment to live a moral and righteous life.

Why did the disarmament conference in Geneva fail


1. France and Germany just could not get along.
2. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and did not agree to any terms.
3. Hitler removed himself, and eventually started WW2

What are two methods that businesses used to increace their profits?



A number of people share the ownership of a business. Two ways they maximize their profits was advertisement to potential customers, and paying low wages to save money for resources.


stay visible and connected

raise the marketing bar


if its helpful mark me as brainliest please its  request to you

Based on your own knowledge, why are partisanship and a two-party system significant parts of US politics?



Because there are only two major parties, US citizens feel that they only have a choice between one party or the other.

Because there are only two major parties, the parties tend to disagree greatly on many issues, taking either one extreme side of the argument or the other.

At times, there have been attempts to create a viable third party, but these parties rarely have enough support to be on an equal footing with the two main parties.


Plato answer

Answer: Albeit the Founding Fathers never planned it to be like this, partisanship and a two party framework are critical pieces of US legislative issues since they take into consideration "groups to be shaped"- - groups that can more readily get across specific thoughts and party stages to general society.  

Since there are just two significant gatherings, US residents feel that they just host a decision between one get-together or the other.  

Since there are just two significant gatherings, the gatherings will in general differ enormously on many issues, taking possibly one outrageous side of the contention or the other.  

On occasion, there have been endeavors to make a suitable outsider, yet these gatherings infrequently have sufficient help to be on an equivalent balance with the two fundamental gatherings.

Scott Carpenter was the first American in space. true or false?



Carpenter was the second American (after John Glenn)
false the first was john Glenn then carpenter