a. True
b. False
An outcome is a series of events that follow the climax of a dramatic or narrative work, and that serves as the final or conclusion of the piece. In the outcome, the conflicts of the character (or the characters) are resolved. The ending is the final scene of a piece of theater, and where the solution of the problem is known. Obviously it also presents the final part of the action, both in a literary work, as in an epic, or a novel.It is the end of the intrigue, the culmination of the investigation, the final result of the story. In the theater, the outcome is the moment in which all the problems created previously are clarified and resolved.
Answer: Korea
Explanation: China, in particular, has traditionally looked to its neighbours in the East Asian region as the most important countries in its foreign policy domain. For example, Japan's culture is substantially derived from Tang Dynasty China. Korea was strongly influenced by China's art and religion.
When our founding fathers created the Constitution they realized that any document meant to frame a government needed flexibility. They wanted the Constitution to be able to stand for generation after generation. In recognizing this they incorporated two important features:
In this clause our founding fathers state that congress may pass all laws necessary and proper. This then allows for a loose interpretation of the constitution and allows constitutional flexibility. Thomas Jefferson was very much opposed to this clause and as you can well imagine Alexander Hamilton was it's author.Some examples of the elastic clause in action include Hamilton's creation of the National Bank and Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon. The fact that Jefferson actually used the elastic clause is an irony not lost on either Hamilton or Jefferson.
Here is the original text:
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.