Explain the relationship between adaptation natural selection & evolution


Answer 1
Answer: Adaptations are the result of evolution in different living organisms. This process occurs amazingly through gene mutation but it takes a very long period in time. Adaptation processes occur to help species survive and thrive in the ecological balance of life. Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism that adapted through time. An example of this are the bills of a bird and the fur of bears that they generally need for their survival; birds for hunting, and bears to protect them from low climate areas.
Answer 2

Natural selection is a process by which organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive, reproduce, increase in number, and pass their traits to succeeding generations. Adaptations are inherited or learned traits that increase an organism's chance of survival in an environment. Evolution is a process of change in a population through genetic variation over time. Natural selection drives evolution.

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The correct answer would be natural selection.

Natural selection favors the survival and reproduction of the organisms which are better adapted to the environment.

It gradually changes the allele frequency or heritable characters of a population over the generations.

Similarly, during malaria outbreak organisms which are better adapted or resistant against the disease will survive and reproduce successfully. It will increase the frequency of allele associated with resistance or adaptation against malaria.

For example, the carriers of the sickle cell anemia show protective advantages against malaria.

The correct answer is option D, Natural selection.

The survivors within a population attacked by malarial mosquito are the individuals which have high rate of survival and reproductive rates as compared to others. The genetic qualities of these individuals have proved to be beneficial in their survival and thus their future generations consists of individuals which are able to survive in the harsh environmental conditions. This mechanism of survival of the fittest is known as natural selection.

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This is known as vertical transmission

Final answer:

The type of transmission for diseases passed from mother to baby during pregnancy or breastfeeding is vertical transmission.


During pregnancy or breastfeeding, certain diseases can be transmitted from the mother to the baby. This type of transmission is known as vertical transmission. Vertical transmission occurs when an infection is passed from a mother to her offspring during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. It can happen through various routes, including the placenta, birth canal, or breast milk.

Vertical transmission can have significant implications for the health of the baby. Some diseases that can be vertically transmitted include HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis, and rubella. These infections can be passed from the mother to the baby either during pregnancy or through breastfeeding.

To prevent vertical transmission, it is important for pregnant women to receive appropriate prenatal care, including screening for infectious diseases. Vaccination and antiviral treatments may also be recommended to reduce the risk of transmission. Breastfeeding guidelines may vary depending on the specific infection, and healthcare providers can provide guidance on the safest approach.

Learn more about transmission of diseases from mother to baby during pregnancy or breastfeeding here:

