What is the formula for hemoglobin?


Answer 1
Answer: Hemoglobin is a globular protein, an natural organic polymer. It doesnt have an exact formula, rather it has but good luck writing it down. The empiric formula is C738H1166N812O203S2Fe It is built up by amino acids with a Fe ion in its core. Good Luck on your assignmment!!
Answer 2
Answer: C2952 H4664 O832 N812 S8 Fe4

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How are electromagnetic waves affected as the frequency of the waves increases?A) energy and wavelength increase
B) energy and wavelength decrease
C) energy decreases, wavelength increases
D) energy increases, wavelength decreases


When the frequency of the waves increases, its energy increases, while the wavelength decreases.  

• A travelling disturbance, which mediates energy from one place to another is known as a wave.  

• The tendency to do work or cause a change is known as the energy.  

• Waves can be determined with the help of frequency and wavelength.  

• In a given unit of time, the number of complete wavelengths is known as frequency.  

• With the increase of the size of wavelengths, its energy and frequencydecreases.  

• There are two basic kind of waves, that is, electromagnetic and mechanical waves.  

• The waves, which can travel through a medium or a vacuum is known as the electromagnetic waves.  

• The waves with long wavelengths comprise less energy than waves with short wavelengths.  

Thus, correct answer is option d, that is, energy increases, wavelength decreases.  

To know more about:


As the frequency is how many waves pass a fixed point in certain amount of times. This means that the waves get closer together and, therefore, the wavelength decreases. It also means that the wave has more energy.

Answer: D) Energy increases, wavelength decreases

An empty party balloon will float to the ceiling of a room once it is filled with helium.A. What does this tell you about the density of air in the room compared to the density of helium?

B. For the balloon to float in air, what two factors might have changed about the balloon?

Answer those two questions of you know the answer.


Helium is a gas composed of itself, were air is composed of Oxygen and Nitrogen making the air more dense than the helium making it float to find other gases

Two factors to change are Air pressure (due to the balloon moving ) and the helium making the balloon rise.

That's about all I can explain...hope this helps >.< 

When you turn on a lamp electric energy changes to?


im pretty sure it turns into thermal energy
the answer to this question is thermal energy because when you turn on your lamp it changes from electric energy to thermal energy we all know this because it is easy to see what happens when it changes.

The particles that make up a rock are constantly in motion. However, a rock does not visibly vibrate. Why do you think this is?


Answer: because the vibration is of very short amplitude, at atomic scale.


The rocks are solid objects.

The solid physical state is characterized because the particles of the solid substances (molecules or atoms) are closely packed in fixed positions.

So, the particles of solids cannot slip (pass) on each other. Nevertheless, yet the particles vibrate rapidly. This vibration is the manifestation of the thermal energy of the substance.

The vibration of the atoms or molecules in a solid is of very short amplitude: it happens at atomic level, so that vibration is not visible. The vibration may be detected by x-ray diffraction but not by visible light.

This is because the particles themselves are microscopically tiny. In fact, we wouldn't be able to see all these particles moving around because the human eye is not able to see anything that small. This can be said of any solid object.

Not chemistry but I need help. Someone plz answer these


9.Each lichen is made up of a fungus (usually an ascomycete) and an alga (green or blue-green). 14.It is a member of the group of diseases known as tinea. 7.Most fungi prefer moist locations, but again there are exceptions, such as the fungi that grow on dried grains. 10.A sac, typically cylindrical in shape, in which the spores of ascomycete fungi develop. 11.A microscopic, club-shaped spore-bearing structure produced by certain fungi. 12.(in ferns and lower plants) a receptacle in which asexual spores are formed. 13.Yeast cells thrive on simple sugars. As the sugars are metabolized, carbon dioxide and alcohol are released into the bread dough, making it rise. 8.Never pick and eat wild mushrooms unless they've been identified by an expert! ... Cooking doesn't make a poisonous mushroom safe. In fact, you can be poisoned by breathing in the cooking fumes from some poisonous mushrooms. Even non-poisonous mushrooms can cause unpleasant reactions in people who are sensitive to them. 6.Saprophytes play an important role in soil biology. They break down dead and decaying organic matter into simple substances that can be taken up and recycled by plants. ... Saprophytic fungi use enzymes to decompose biologic material. Parasitic fungi destroy bacteria and other pathogens.

Where are coefficients located


coefficient is the number that comes before a variable in a term. Examples include...


A coefficient comes before the variable. For example, in 5x, the number 5 is the coefficient because it appears before the variable.