A stream of negatively charged particles is called:


Answer 1
Answer: Cathode rays are a stream of negatively charged particles or electrons in vacuum tubes. They were first seen by Johann Hittorf in 1869. They are named since they are emitted by electrode or cathode. In order to release the electrons, the electrons should first be detached from the atoms of the cathode.

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Fill the blanks




In ions, protons are never taken or given. Only the number of electrons are changed

Br^1- gains 1 electron, so the number of electrons increases from 35 to 36. No protons are taken away, to the number of protons and the atomic number of Br1- is still 35, and the number of neutrons is still 45.

Hypervitaminosis is a serious health threat associated with excessive amounts of ingested fat-soluble vitamins. why do water-soluble vitamins not commonly pose the same threat?



Hypervitaminosis is a serious health issue which is associated with the accumulation of the vitamins in the body. This problem is mainly associated with the fat soluble vitamins.

This is because the fat soluble vitamins gets accumulated in the fatty cells of the body. Whereas, in case of water soluble vitamins it gets dissolved in water and gets eliminated from the body.

So, there is very rare chance that the water soluble vitamin not cause hypervitaminosis.

Final answer:

Hypervitaminosis does not typically occur with water-soluble vitamins because excess amounts are excreted in urine rather than stored in the body, preventing a harmful build-up that could lead to toxicity.


Hypervitaminosis is indeed a health threat associated with excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins, but water-soluble vitamins do not typically pose this risk because of how our bodies process them. Fat-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins A, D, E, and K, can be stored in our bodies, specifically in our liver and fat tissues. Therefore, consuming them in excessive amounts can lead to accumulation, resulting in toxic effects known as hypervitaminosis.

On the other hand, water-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins B and C, cannot be stored in the body for a long duration. Any excess intake of these vitamins is typically excreted in urine, preventing a harmful build-up in the body, thus reducing the risk of hypervitaminosis.

Learn more about Vitamin intake here:



What moves in or out of a substance during a change of state?


Heat, which is energy, moves in or out of a substance during a change of state.

Pure substances found on the periodic table are called what?



An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into different types of substances. ... Examples of elements include carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, gold, silver and iron. Each element is made up of just one type of atom. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that still characterizes the element.


Final answer:

Pure substances found on the periodic table are called elements. They can be further divided into categories like main-group elements, transition metals, and inner transition metals such as alkali metals and chalcogens, based on their properties and compound formation.


Pure substances that are found on the periodic table are referred to as elements.

These elements, which include substances like iron, silver, gold, aluminum, sulfur, oxygen, and copper, cannot be broken down into simpler substances via chemical changes.

The elements on the periodic table can be further subdivided based on their properties. For instance, we have the main-group elements, transition metals, and inner transition metals, each which sit in specific locations on the periodic table. A great example would be the elements in group 1, also referred to as the alkali metals. All alkali metals share similar chemical properties and they form compounds that consist of one atom of the element and one atom of hydrogen.

Another example is the chalcogens, also known as the oxygen group or oxygen family. Essentially, the periodic table serves as a map of all the known elements, each with unique properties that classify them as a certain type of element and determine their positioning on the table.

Learn more about Periodic Table Elements here:



What are three other elements that have 8 valance electrons.


8 valence electrons means that the element is stable. When we hear stable, we know the group to look at! Noble gases all have 8 valence electrons making them stable and have a full octet. 

Here are some:-

Any noble gas so anything in the farthest column to the right on the periodic table. Examples are helium, neon, argon, and krypton.