a trend is the general direction that data is going.
Copyright is a legal intellectual property right, exclusively assigned to originator of a creative work - for its publish, performance, recording etc, for a fixed period of time. The creative work can be used by any other person or party, by permission of copyright owner only.
So : As per US copyright laws, Jean's copyright ends in 1988 .Until then, if other people use parts of Jean's book in their work, then they need to obtain permission from Jean
Answer: Virtualization
Virtualization software is the software application that has the ability to execute many operating system on one computer or server at the same time. It helps in gaining more output in the form of higher number of processing on the same hardware.
"a[0]=a[0]+10;", is the correct answer for the above question.
hey bud it's your ole pal paps
sans and i came to help by giving some tips this will surely help and jolt the memory.
Keeping track of these files is a big job. To perform this task, the OS makes an index of all the files stored on the computer. This index is called a File Allocation Table (FAT). The OS updates the FAT every time a file is created, renamed, moved, or deleted.
-paps & sans