She seemed to understand the problem completely.
The infinitive 'to understand' is not split by any descriptors.
The word sabbatical was derived from the Latin word sabbaticus and from the Greek word sabbatikos.
It was used in the Mosaic law to relate to the seventh year in which land was to remain untilled and all debtors and slaves released from debt and slave status respectively. The Mosaic law came into being 430 years after the Jews first went to sojourn as community in Egypt.
This word is also a noun which relates to a year's absence granted to researchers and university professors from around 1934 but was first recorded as such in 1886 at Havard University having been attested at the university in 1880.
2. Elliptical
3. Spiral
4. Satellite
“He counted his goodly coppers and cauldrons, his gold and all his clothes, there was nothing missing; still he kept grieving about not being in his own country, and wandered up and down by the shore of the sounding sea bewailing his hard fate.” He had accumulated a lot of wealth but still missed his home.
Who stay'd to revel, and prolong the feast:
The fatted sheep and sable bulls they slay,
And bowls flow round, and riot wastes the day
B Add an apostrophe and 's'