Who was the first American airman to be captured by the North Vietnamese?a. William Calley
b. Melvin Laird
c. John McCain
d. Everett Alvarez Jr


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "d. Everett Alvarez Jr." the first American airman to be captured by the North Vietnamese is d. Everett Alvarez Jr.
Answer 2

Everett Alvarez Jr....

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What are free trade agreements?a. agreements that set new quotas
b. laws that create tariffs
c. agreements that remove trade barriers
d. laws that prohibit trade between countries


A free trade agreement is an agreement that removes trade barriers between two countries, C is the right option.

Arrangements, called freetrade agreements (FTAs), between two or more nations decrease or kill taxes, shares, and other confinements on exchange. This makes it simpler for items and administrations to move between nations, which can decrease costs, increment competition and make occupations.

Hence, settlements, known as freetrade agreements, between two or more nations diminish or kill taxes, quantities, and other exchange limitations. So the proper choice is C.

Learn more about freetrade agreement, here:



The most likely answer is C, for various reasons. A free trade agreement is something that one or more countries agree upon, such as by signing a document or treaty, that allows trade between a countries borders and another, without any tariffs or any other fees.

1.)what did President Wilson mean by the phrase "peace without victory"? a.) that the united states should withdraw its troops before the war ended.
b.) that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.
c.) that fighting should end with neither side claiming victory.
d.)that Germany should be required to rebuild france.


Answer: b. That the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

President Wilson meant that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations by the phrase, "peace without victory". This was used by Wilson during World War I in a speech addressed to the Senate of USA  on January 12,1919. He was actually appealing for settlement of the conflicts that were raging between the countries in Europe.

The correct answer is B. Peace without victort meant that the terms of peace should not punish the defeated nations.

In World War I, Wilson's position was eminently peaceful. But he believed that the best way to ensure the non-participation of the United States in the Great War was for it to end as soon as possible. He sent diplomats to Europe repeatedly, in order to achieve rapprochement between the contenders. He never achieved anything, given the absolute conviction of both sides that they would eventually win.

As the war progressed, Wilson's efforts became more evident, and he managed to get closer to his goals, although the definitive step that would have been the convocation of a peace conference was never taken. In his last attempts, the ideas that would mark Wilson's policy at the end of the war were already perceived: a peace without victory, a lasting peace based on the principles of equality among nations. The United States would support, according to Wilson, a peace of this kind, and would collaborate with the rest of the nations in the maintenance of a permanent international organization that would target it.

The German defeat and, above all, the way in which the French and British managed the victory would demonstrate, years later, to what extent Wilson's insistence on avoiding a humiliating peace agreement for the loser was correct.