In addition to air and water, our body constantly needs regular inflow of food, which provides the energy reserves necessary for movement, breathing, thermoregulation, heart, blood circulation and brain activity. In the process of digestion of food decays to individual glucose molecules which then fall through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. With blood flow glucose transported to the liver, where it is filtered and delayed in reserve. The pituitary gland supplies the pancreas and thyroid glands signal to the release of hormones that cause the liver to throw out the accumulated glucose in the bloodstream, and then delivers it to the blood to the organs and muscles that are in need of it. Having achieved the desired body glucose molecules penetrate into the cells, where it is converted into a source of energy that is available for use by cells. Thus, the process of continuous energy supply agencies depends on the level of glucose in the blood.
Whats the answer to this?
trunk is the main axis of a tree that supports the branches and is supported by roots. Cellulose makes it sturdy. Cellulose is the main substance in the walls of plant cells, helping them to remain stiff and upright.
Cellulose, that is the molecule that makes a tree sturdy.
They are the median plane, sagittal planes, coronal (frontal) planes and horizontal (transverse) planes
A. 25% homozygous dominant, 25% homozygous recessive, 50% heterozygous
B. all homozygous dominant
C. all homozygous recessive
D. 75% heterozygous, 25% homozygous dominant
a. is the answer