Where is vitamin E primarily stored?


Answer 1
Answer: Vitamin E is stored in the liver.

It's not stored in the body as effectively as the other fat-soluble vitamins.

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It's important to match your fitness center's amenities and services with your needs. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T F


The answer is true, it is important to match your fitness center's amenities and services with your needs.

What is Physical fitness?

Physical fitness is a quality of health and the well and, more specifically, it refers to one's ability for participating in certain sports, jobs, and daily activities. Physical fitness is usually achieved by following a formal sustainability policy, eating healthily, and engaging in moderate to vigorous activity.

Fitness was once believed to be the ability to complete the day's tasks without feeling excessive exhaustion or sluggishness. Physical fitness is increasingly viewed as a gauge of the body's capacity to operate well in work and leisure pursuits, to be fit, to resist hypokinetic disorders, to improve the immune system, and to respond to emergency situations. This is due to automation and lifestyle changes.

To know more about Physical fitness:






It is important to match your fitness center's amenities and services with your needs.

The mother of a 10-year-old boy with diabetes type 1 calls, very concerned about her son. He has been sick for 2 days with a fever and loss of appetite, and he now is very lethargic and is vomiting, and his breath smells fruity. What health emergency may be developing?



Diabetic coma.


Diabetic coma is a very dangerous medical emergency that occurs to people diagnosed with diabetes as a consequence of either high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). It leads to unconsciousness and without adequate treatment can end in one's death.

In this scenario, the little boy is experiencing all the symptoms of hypoglycemia.

If you are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed by a full schedule of classes and work, dropping a class to lighten your load would be an example of __________ coping.





In psychology coping with stress refers to the process in which one consciously attempts to master, minimize or tolerate stressors and problems in life.

Problem focused coping, the affected person targets the cause of stress in practical ways and alters it.

In our case, the cause of stress is an overwhelming full schedule of classes and work.

By dropping a class is an example of problem-focused coping.

What supplement would most likely be recommended for someone suffering from anemia?


The supplement that would most likely be recommended for someone suffering from aneamia is iron supplement. Aneaemia is a condition in which the volume of the red blood in the body is very low. Iron supplement is usually given because iron helps in production of red blood cells in the body.