Theory of natural selection was given by Charles Darwin.
In this theory, he stated that all species develop through natural selection, that is, species that better fit or adjust in their environment can survive. Whereas species that are not able to fir or adjust in their environment can lead to death.
Natural selection is an important contribution to the theory of evolution because it increases an individual's ability to survive, compete and reproduce.
secondary succession
pioneer succession
sandy succession
Week 1 Week 3 Week 6
1 1.2 cm 5.9 in 1.2 ft
2 2.0 cm 4.8 in 0.98 ft
3 0.8 cm 3.2 in 0.55 ft
4 0.2 cm 1.6 in 0.35 ft
5 1.5 cm 4.3 in 1.01 ft
A) Inconsistent units of measure
B) Insufficient amount of data
C) Duration of the study
D) Number of samples
Answer: A. Inconsistent units of measure
When taking data such as measurements, it is very important that the results are reported in the same unit of measure. Failure to do so will eventually affect your analysed result.
A) Inconsistent units of measure
Since Courtney measured the same variable in all the tagged tendrils, the unit of measurement is supposed to be the same. Before any further processing or analysis of the data, she will need to use the appropriate conversion factors to convert all the variates to the same unit.
The research lasted for a whole year and data were collected weekly, the issue of insufficient data or duration of study does not arise in this case. Also since, the size of study population was not indicated, it will be be difficult to point out the sample size as an issue.
The correct option is A.
Option D
Animals on land get air directly from atmosphere. They need to extract it from any other sources like water animals use air dissolved in water or so. Lungs is the most prominent and essential organ of respiratory system of organisms that directly intake oxygen from atmosphere and release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.
However, all amphibians and some other creatures like earthworms uses skin as respiratory organ on land. They intake air through their permeable moist skin.
Hence, option D is correct
The first living thing on planet earth was a single celled species commonly termed as prokaryotic. These simplest forms of species were made up of primordial chemicals which some how under specific environmental condition developed into proteins and RNAs thereby generating higher forms of life. The earliest form of single celled prokaryotes were termed as bacteria and archae. These tiny creature were observed for the first time some 4 billion years ago.